Actually in this case, Chui-Hui will not be able to anything if we
have went the tarball way.  We are essentially not very customized to
CentOS.  Tarballs are also particularly hard to update.


On 15 October 2010 18:04, Josh Smift <j...@bbn.com> wrote:
> JM> Are you sure this is NOX 0.6.0? Where/how did you get the code? What
> JM> does "grep ^VERSION Makefile" (in your build directory) say?
> Sorry to keep banging this drum, but: This sort of thing would be a lot
> easier to keep track of if people who wanted a particular version could
> download a tarball or an OS-specific package, rather than just pulling
> directly from an array of git branches. :^(
>                                      -Josh (j...@bbn.com)
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