It is not clear to me what this patch is.  From what I understand, it
is because some switches does not completely strip VLAN tags.  Is that
what this is?  Can't really comment on anything I do not understand,
beyond I am unclear on what this is.

As for patches, I am particularly touchy on non-OpenFlow compliant and
switch-specific ones.  But I do not speak for everyone that has commit
rights to NOX.  Beyond, we are generally happy to take patches, esp.
documented ones.


PS>> might be good to address to nox comitters in nox-dev and not

On 9 November 2010 13:46, Rob Sherwood <> wrote:
> nox-dev commiters:
> is there any reason why this patch shouldn't be pushed into the
> repository?  IIRC, this is not the first time Srini has proposed this
> fix.
> - Rob
> .
> On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Srini Seetharaman <> 
> wrote:
>> Please try the attached patch. This pays attention to whether the LLDP
>> packet has a VLAN tag in the pkt_in and handles it correctly.
>> Hopefully, after git-apply of this patch, you shudn't see those
>> errors.
>> On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Srini Seetharaman <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Chris
>>> I assume all packets sent/received by the switch are VLAN tagged in
>>> your case? Could you please mail us a copy of the control traffic (so
>>> that we can look at the pkt_in for the LLDP msg). Ideally, the "match"
>>> function in the shud've already set a condition that only
>>> packets with DL_TYPE of LLDP_TYPE will be sent to
>>> lldp_input_handler(). So, it is unclear why this happened.
>>> Thanks
>>> Srini.
>>> On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Christopher J. Tengi
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>  Greetings All,
>>>>    In my efforts to get past the limitations of the current release of 
>>>> snac,
>>>> I have decided to jump in with both feet to nox destiny territory and try 
>>>> to
>>>> get both it and running.  My goal is to have nox make 3 HP
>>>> switches using VLAN aggregation mode with tagged uplink ports act as
>>>> learning switches.  Currently, the switches are in a star topology, with 
>>>> the
>>>> central switch running non-OpenFlow firmware, so there are no
>>>> OpenFlow-to-OpenFlow switch links.  I cloned nox from and
>>>> checked out the destiny branch.  I built it with configure arguments of
>>>> "--prefix=/var/local --with-python=yes --with-gnu-ld" and both the "make"
>>>> and "make check" succeeded.
>>>> Based on various things I've read, and with a self-proclaimed limited
>>>> understanding of how some of this stuff glues together, I started nox with
>>>> these commands:
>>>>    cd /var/local/src/nox/build/src
>>>>    ./nox_core -i ptcp:6633 pyswitch discovery lavi monitoring switchstats
>>>> topology
>>>> 'lsof' commands on both the flowvisor and nox machines, as well as fvctl,
>>>> tell me that I have a connection between them for each of the 3 DPIDs in
>>>> play.  And while the laptop I am connecting to one of the switches appears
>>>> to be working, for the most part, I get loads and loads of the following
>>>> sent to the xterm window where I am running nox:
>>>>> 00925|pyrt|ERR:unable to invoke a Python event handler:
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>  File "./nox/lib/", line 116, in f
>>>>>    event.total_len, buffer_id, packet)
>>>>>  File "./nox/netapps/discovery/", line 163, in <lambda>
>>>>>    discovery.lldp_input_handler(self,dp,inport,reason,len,bid,packet),
>>>>>  File "./nox/netapps/discovery/", line 250, in
>>>>> lldp_input_handler
>>>>>    assert (packet.type == ethernet.LLDP_TYPE)
>>>>> AssertionError
>>>>    I suspect that any client-side problems I am currently having are due to
>>>> the lack of capabilities of the example pyswitch code, and I plan to
>>>> investigate that further.  However, with all of the errors streaming by
>>>> concerning discovery, the logging is a bit too loud to see anything else
>>>> that might be of use.  I do see a number of other messages fly by amongst
>>>> all of the python errors, and I figure that if I can get rid of the type of
>>>> error listed above, I might actually be able to look into the other errors.
>>>>    So, given that I'm not a python programmer, can anybody give me a clue 
>>>> as
>>>> to what might be going on here?  Should I run tcpdump and grab a .pcap file
>>>> or 2?  Once I get past all of this, I also hope to get started with
>>>>  However, I suspect that it will never show me any topology
>>>> information until nox_core is happy with discovery.
>>>>                    Thanks,
>>>>                                /Chris
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