Hi all.
I am writing a simple C++ component that prints a message for each packet
that arrives at Nox, as an introduction to developing a C++ component. The
component compiles without warnings, but an error occurs on execution:

*'newcomp' ran into an error:
    Can't open a dynamic library: 'nox/netapps/newcomp/newcomp.so: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory' or
'nox/netapps/newcomp/.libs/newcomp.so: undefined symbol:
vigil::newcomp::handler(vigil::Event const&)'
I found a thread "Adding Events in Nox" that reported the same problem and I
followed the steps described there, but the error persists. Does anyone have
any suggestions to solve this?


Ricardo Bennesby da Silva
Ciência da Computação - UFAM
LabCIA - Laboratório de Computação Inteligente e Autonômica
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