Oh I see - the bindings_storage module would hold that information

from nox.netapps.bindings_storage.pybindings_storage import

self.bindings = self.resolve(pybindings_storage)

and then you can use the module's API as defined in netapps/bindings_storage
for example self.bindings.get_all_links() would give you a list with tuples
of the form (src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port)

you can take a look at the code of Glen Gibb's spanning tree
which is the only example that comes to my mind that uses the python binding
storage API

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 3:36 AM, karim torkmen <karim.torkm...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  On 03/29/2011 12:29 PM, Kyriakos Zarifis wrote:
> Hi Karim,
>  the second parameter of install_datapath_flow() is a python dictionary
> that describes the flow for which you are setting up an entry. This is where
> you specify the MAC address(es). Create a dictionary, populate as you want
> (the keys for the source and destination addresses are 'dl_src' and 'dl_dst'
> respectively. - missing key/value pair equals wildcard for that field), and
> pass it to install_datapath_flow.
>  If you take a look at src/nox/lib/core.py, which defines the python API,
> you'll find some information about this in the definition of
> install_datapath_flow()
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 3:03 AM, karim torkmen 
> <karim.torkm...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to set-up statically a path using openflow but the
>> install_datapath_flow() method does not accept mac address as parameter,  so
>> I need to know the correspondence between mac addresses and port numbers in
>> a switch so that I can choose the out_port that is correspondent to a mac
>> address.
>> Is there any method that allows it ?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Karim
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>  Thanks Kyriakos :)
> My question was not very well formulated ;)
> I meant in order to set a path I need to know the topology of the openFlow
> network, e.g. port 1 of switch 1 is linked to port 1 of switch 2 etc. in
> order to decide how to populate the switching table.
> Is there any method to get this information ?
> Thanks a lot
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