Hi all,
I am having some problems by using the "get_switch_links" method.
This method requires a callback method, however for my program I want that this method returns a link list. I tried using global variables, but it seems that the link list that I get is not updated, with the last link list retrieved, it seems like there is a problem of synchronization. here is a snippet :

def checkRoute(self,route):
        self.currentDp = route.id.src
        for i in range(route.path.size()):
          (1)  print self.linkLst
                self.currentDp = route.path[i].dst

def checkLinks(self,links):

     (2)   self.linkLst = links
             print linkLst
instruction (1) gives me an outdated link list i.e a link list that is relative to another dpid different from the current dpid.

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