I'm not sure. Maybe someone else in the list knows the right way to import

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 3:01 AM, 颜玮 <yan...@bupt.edu.cn> wrote:
>      I am wirting a program to print the location of each host.And,i think
> *Authenticator* can help me with that. My plan is to call *
> get_authed_locations(self,dladdr,nwaddr)* in *pyauth.py*,i don't know
> wether this way can work or not,if i am wrong,please correct me.
>     When i imported authenticator component to my file using“*from
> nox.netapps.authenticator import pyauth*”,something when wrong,the error
> info :
> 00041|nox|DBG:authtest:
>         Current state: ERROR
>         Required state: INSTALLED
>         Dependencies: 'python' OK, 'python' OK
>         Error:
>                 cannot import a Python module
> 'nox.coreapps.examples.authtest':
>                 Traceback (most recent call last):
>                   File "./nox/coreapps/examples/authtest.py", line 2, in
> <module>
>                     from nox.netapps.authenticator import pyauth
>                   File "./nox/netapps/authenticator/pyauth.py", line 25, in
> <module>
>                     _pyauth = swig_import_helper()
>                   File "./nox/netapps/authenticator/pyauth.py", line 21, in
> swig_import_helper
>                     _mod = imp.load_module('_pyauth', fp, pathname,
> description)
>                 ImportError: ./nox/netapps/authenticator/_pyauth.so:
> undefined symbol: vigil::Host_auth_event::Host_auth_event(vigil::datapathid,
> unsigned short, vigil::ethernetaddr, unsigned int, long long, long long,
> unsigned int, vigil::Host_event::Reason)
> 00042|nox|ERR:Cannot change the state of 'authtest' to INSTALLED:
> 'authtest' ran into an error:
>         cannot import a Python module 'nox.coreapps.examples.authtest':
>         Traceback (most recent call last):
>           File "./nox/coreapps/examples/authtest.py", line 2, in <module>
>             from nox.netapps.authenticator import pyauth
>           File "./nox/netapps/authenticator/pyauth.py", line 25, in
> <module>
>             _pyauth = swig_import_helper()
>           File "./nox/netapps/authenticator/pyauth.py", line 21, in
> swig_import_helper
>             _mod = imp.load_module('_pyauth', fp, pathname, description)
>         ImportError: ./nox/netapps/authenticator/_pyauth.so: undefined
> symbol: vigil::Host_auth_event::Host_auth_event(vigil::datapathid, unsigned
> short, vigil::ethernetaddr, unsigned int, long long, long long, unsigned
> int, vigil::Host_event::Reason)
> Am i importing the component in the right way?
> can anybody help me with that?
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