Hi Ricardo,

You might want to take a closer look here

The struct messenger_msg is defined in messenger.hh as (and not what
you presented in the email).

  struct messenger_msg
    /** Length of message, including this header.
    uint16_t length;
    /** Type of message, as defined in \ref msg_type.
    uint8_t type;
    /** Reference to body of message.
    uint8_t body[0];
  } __attribute__ ((packed));

Your packet length does seems way off to me at 512.  The packet sent
is not conforming to the expectation.

Hope this helps.


On 25 June 2011 13:26, Ricardo Bennesby <ricardo.benne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi. Thanks for reply, KK.
> I am using the struct messenger_msg of messenger component:
>   struct messenger_msg
>   {
>     uint16_t length;
>     uint8_t type;
>     string body;
>   } __attribute__ ((packed));
> So, I declare and set the fields in my component:
>      messenger_msg mymsg;
>      mymsg.type = 0x0A;
>      mymsg.body.append("Test");
>      mymsg.length = (sizeof(messenger_msg));
> And the other part of the client (using socket):
>       int Mysocket, numbytes;
>       char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
>       struct hostent *he;
>       struct sockaddr_in seu_endereco;
>       if ((he=gethostbyname("localhost")) == NULL)   /* send host info */
>       {
>           herror("gethostbyname");
>           exit(1);
>       }
>       seu_endereco.sin_family = AF_INET;
>       seu_endereco.sin_port = htons(PORTA);
>       seu_endereco.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr);
>       bzero(&(seu_endereco.sin_zero), 8);
>       if (send(Mysocket, &mymsg, mymsg.length, 0) == -1) {
>           perror("send");
>           close(Mysocket);
>           exit(0);
>       }
> Where PORTA==2603;
> But when I run it, the server client (messenger) prints:
> 00077|messenger_core|DBG:Copy 8 bytes to message
> 00078|messenger|DBG:Check message completeness 512 (expected 512)
> 00079|messenger_core|DBG:Received packet of length 512
> 00080|messenger|DBG:Message posted as Msg_event
> 00081|messenger|DBG:Received packet of length 512
> 00082|messenger_core|DBG:Copy 2 bytes to message
> 00083|messenger|DBG:Check message completeness 2 (expected 62559)
> 00084|messenger_core|DBG:Copy 502 bytes to message
> 00085|messenger|DBG:Check message completeness 504 (expected 62559)
> 00086|messenger|DBG:me.msg->length: 512 and sizeof(messenger_msg)+1: 9
> 00087|messenger|DBG:Received string ��Q�
> The string "Test" is not printed. It shows ��Q� instead. What am I doing
> wrong? Is it the length of the message that I am setting doing mymsg.length
> = (sizeof(messenger_msg)); ? Or in the way I am using socket send function
> in client (send(Mysocket, &mymsg, mymsg.length, 0)) ?
> Thanks for help.
> Best Regards.
> 2011/6/18 kk yap <yap...@stanford.edu>
>> Hi Ricardo,
>> You might want to add a length and type in front of the string.  :)
>> Regards
>> KK
>> On 18 June 2011 14:46, Ricardo Bennesby <ricardo.benne...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi.
>> >
>> > I am writing component in C++ that uses messenger component.
>> >
>> > I have a client function that send a string to the own component. As
>> > follows:
>> >
>> >   void comp::sendMessageOtherAs(){
>> >     ClientSocket theSocket ("localhost", 2603 );
>> >     string request;
>> >     request = "Test";
>> >     theSocket << request << "\n";
>> >     lg.dbg("Echo sent");
>> >   }
>> >
>> > The server part is did by messenger component, calling the
>> > handle_message
>> > function;
>> >
>> > But the result, when the handle_message is invoked is:
>> >
>> > 00108|messenger_core|DBG:Starting connection with idleInterval 0
>> > 00109|messenger_core|DBG:Received packet of length 0
>> > 00110|messenger|DBG:Message posted as Msg_event
>> > 00111|messenger_core|DBG:TCP socket connection accepted
>> > 00112|messenger_core|DBG:Copy 2 bytes to message
>> > 00113|messenger|DBG:Check message completeness 2 (expected 21349)
>> > 00114|messenger_core|DBG:Copy 31 bytes to message
>> > 00115|messenger|DBG:Check message completeness 33 (expected 21349)
>> > 00116|messenger_core|DBG:Received packet of length 3
>> > 00117|messenger_core|DBG:Received disconnection request
>> > 00118|messenger|DBG:Message posted as Msg_event
>> > 00119|messenger_core|DBG:socket closed
>> >
>> > And the handler messenger has the code:
>> >
>> > switch (me.msg->type)
>> >     {
>> >     case MSG_DISCONNECT:
>> >       return STOP;
>> >       break;
>> >     case MSG_ECHO:
>> >       VLOG_DBG(lg, "Got echo request");
>> >       reply_echo(me);
>> >       return STOP;
>> >       break;
>> >     case MSG_ECHO_RESPONSE:
>> >       VLOG_DBG(lg, "Echo reply received");
>> >       return STOP;
>> >       break;
>> >     case MSG_NOX_STR_CMD:
>> >       char mstring[ntohs(me.msg->length)-sizeof(messenger_msg)+1];
>> >       memcpy(mstring, me.msg->body,
>> > ntohs(me.msg->length)-sizeof(messenger_msg));
>> >       mstring[ntohs(me.msg->length)-sizeof(messenger_msg)] = '\0';
>> >       VLOG_DBG(lg, "Received string %s", mstring);
>> >       break;
>> >     }
>> >
>> > Shouldn't the message be of MSG_NOX_STR_CMD type and prints the string
>> > sent?
>> > Or the way I am sending the string is wrong?
>> >
>> > Sorry if I did'n made me clear.
>> > Thanks for help.
>> > Regards.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Ricardo Bennesby da Silva
>> > Ciência da Computação - UFAM
>> > LabCIA - Laboratório de Computação Inteligente e Autônoma
>> >
>> >
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>> > nox-dev mailing list
>> > nox-dev@noxrepo.org
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>> >
> --
> Ricardo Bennesby da Silva
> Ciência da Computação - UFAM
> LabCIA - Laboratório de Computação Inteligente e Autônoma
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