I'm trying to use the pybindings_storage component in order to make my switch able to learn network topology and, consequently, install the right entry in the switch's flow-table.
I imported the component like that

from nox.netapps.bindings_storage.pybindings_storage import pybindings_storage

and, in def install(self): used the self.resolve(pybindings_storage)

  def install(self):
                self.bindings = self.resolve(pybindings_storage)

Then, in my packet_in_callback, I want to get information about the links connected to the switch and then install flows. As suggested here http://www.mail-archive.com/nox-dev@noxrepo.org/msg02493.html, I tried to use


to get a tuple with the information I need, but I get an error in which the get_all_links function asks for a parameter. Reading the nox/src/nox/netapps/binding_storage/pybindings_storage.i file I see that all that functions need a cb (callback?) parameter Could someone please clarify me how I have to call that function and what is the correct way to obtain information about entity connected to my switch?
Thank you in advance.

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