Thanks. Let me try your code and let me also try using a different branch. But 
I think you are not getting this error because you are sending a packet as an 
argument to the set_payload method and hence the code "elif type(payload) == 
array.array:" never gets called because "if isinstance(payload, packet_base):" 
will always be true for such cases. (Please see below)


 def set_payload(self, payload):
        '''Set the packet payload.  Expects a string, array to packet of type 
        if isinstance(payload, packet_base):
      = payload
            payload.prev = self
        elif type(payload) == type(''):
   = payload
        elif type(payload) == array.array:
   = payload.tostring()
            self.msg('warning, payload must be string, array or type 


----- Original Message -----
From: Aaron Rosen <>
To: Saurabh S Sabnis <>
Cc: nox-dev <>, Bernd Wittefeld 
Sent: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 15:33:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [nox-dev] Creating and sending udp packet from controller through 

Here's an example of sending a UDP packet. If you want to send an ICMP
packet just change l4=icmp() (and fill in the  icmp fields) and the
l3.protocol type to icmp.


P.S: I'm using the latest nox destiny and I didn't need to change any
internal nox code.

def send_udp(mac, dstip, srcip, srcport, dstport, payload):
    l4 = udp()
    l4.srcport = srcport
    l4.dstport  = dstport
    l4.len = udp.MIN_LEN + len(payload)
    l4.arr = l4.tostring()
    l3 = ipv4()
    l3.iplen = ipv4.MIN_LEN + l4.len
    l3.protocol = ipv4.UDP_PROTOCOL
    l3.dstip = dstip
    l3.srcip = srcip
    l2 = ethernet()
    l2.dst = mac
    l2.src = octstr_to_array(CONTROLLER_MAC)
    l2.type = ethernet.IP_TYPE
    l4.csum = l4.checksum()
    return l2


send_openflow_packet(dpid, send_udp(mac, dstip, srcip, srcport,
dstport, payload).tostring(), inport)

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 2:43 PM, Sabnis, Saurabh S <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have similar doubt. I was trying to send ICMP unreachable packets back to 
> host but when I tried to set the payload of unreach() packet to 
> "[ * 4 + 8]", I got an error due to missing 
> 'import array' statement. After inserting it in the file I got 
> the following error.
> 00074|pyrt|ERR:unable to invoke a Python event handler:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "./nox/lib/", line 116, in f
>    event.total_len, buffer_id, packet)
>  File "./nox/coreapps/examples/", line 185, in 
> packet_in_callback
>    route_packet(self,dpid, inport, packet, packet.arr, bufid)
>  File "./nox/coreapps/examples/", line 173, in route_packet
>    learn_and_forward(self,dpid,inport,packet,buf,bufid)
>  File "./nox/coreapps/examples/", line 132, in learn_and_forward
>    send_dest_unreach(self,dpid,packet,inport)
>  File "./nox/coreapps/examples/", line 89, in send_dest_unreach
>    unreach_packet.set_payload([ * 4 + 8])
>  File "./nox/lib/packet/", line 96, in set_payload
>    elif type(payload) == array.array:
> AttributeError: type object 'array.array' has no attribute 'array'
> Then to work around, I did not set the payload of unreach() and created other 
> wrapper packets and sent them to the host using sed_openflow_packet method. 
> This method requires eth.tostring() method which calls hdr and checksum 
> methods of But then it again gets stuck there by giving following 
> error:
>  File "./nox/coreapps/examples/", line 185, in 
> packet_in_callback
>    route_packet(self,dpid, inport, packet, packet.arr, bufid)
>  File "./nox/coreapps/examples/", line 173, in route_packet
>    learn_and_forward(self,dpid,inport,packet,buf,bufid)
>  File "./nox/coreapps/examples/", line 132, in learn_and_forward
>    send_dest_unreach(self,dpid,packet,inport)
>  File "./nox/coreapps/examples/", line 119, in send_dest_unreach
>    self.send_openflow_packet(dpid, unreach_eth.tostring(), 
> inport,openflow.OFPP_NONE)
>  File "./nox/lib/packet/", line 117, in tostring
>    return ''.join((buf,
>  File "./nox/lib/packet/", line 112, in tostring
>    buf = self.hdr()
>  File "./nox/lib/packet/", line 167, in hdr
>    self.csum = self.checksum()
>  File "./nox/lib/packet/", line 162, in checksum
>    self.dstip)
> error: 'H' format requires 0 <= number <= 65535
> I printed the values of the attributes used in these functions and found out 
> that the attribute of ipv4 packet has value more than 65535. It is 
> generated using int(time.time()) function. So I changed the statement to 
> int(time.time()) % 65535 and went ahead.
> Now I am able to send my packet to the host and I can see it in Wireshark but 
> my host is not giving me destination unreachable error. There are several 
> problems here. Can someone please help me regarding this. My code is as 
> follows:
> def send_dest_unreach(self,dpid,packet,inport):
>        unreach_packet = unreach()
>        unreach_packet.unused = 0
>        unreach_packet.next_mtu = 0
>        # unreachable messages include the IP header and the first 8 bytes of 
> the
>        # packet that couldn't reach its destination
>        #print[ * 4 + 8]
>        unreach_packet.set_payload([ * 4 + 8])
>        #unreach_packet.arr =[ * 4 + 8]
>        unreach_icmp = icmp()
>        unreach_icmp.type = 3 # unreachable
>        unreach_icmp.code = 0 # network unreachable
>        unreach_icmp.set_payload(unreach_packet)
>        # icmp (unlike ipv4) doesn't automatically calculate its checksum, so 
> we
>        # have to do it ourself
>        unreach_icmp.csum = packet_utils.checksum(unreach_icmp.tostring(), 0)
>        unreach_ip = ipv4()
>        # length of the header plus the length of the payload
>        unreach_ip.iplen = unreach_ip.hl * 4 + len(unreach_icmp.tostring())
>        unreach_ip.protocol = ipv4.ICMP_PROTOCOL
>        unreach_ip.srcip = # Hmm... ?
>        unreach_ip.dstip =
>        unreach_ip.set_payload(unreach_icmp)
>        print_packet(unreach_ip,"ID")
>        unreach_eth = ethernet()
>        unreach_eth.src = packet.dst # I wonder what this should actually 
> be... ?
>        unreach_eth.dst = packet.src
>        unreach_eth.type = packet.type
>        unreach_eth.set_payload(unreach_ip)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Aaron Rosen <>
> To: Bernd Wittefeld <>
> Cc: nox-dev <>
> Sent: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 14:03:38 -0500 (EST)
> Subject: Re: [nox-dev] Creating and sending udp packet from controller  
> through switch
> Hi,
> You need to set the length field in the Ipv4 packet.
> ipv4_packet.iplen = ipv4.MIN_LEN + udp_packet.len()
> should do the trick.
> Aaron
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Bernd Wittefeld
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a python component and want to create an udp packet in the controller
>> and send it out via "self.send_openflow_packet(dpid, packet.tostring(),
>> outport)"
>> First of all: a small bugfix is needed:
>> nox/src/nox/lib/packet/ needs an "import array". Without that,
>> the set_payload function raises an exception as it does not find
>> array.array.
>> Now I create my packet the following way:
>> from nox.lib.packet.udp                import udp
>> from nox.lib.packet.ipv4               import ipv4
>> from nox.lib.packet.ethernet        import ethernet
>> udp_packet = udp()
>> udp_packet.srcport = 12345
>> udp_packet.dstport = 4711
>> rand = random.random()
>> udp_packet.set_payload(str(rand))
>> udp_packet.csum = udp_packet.checksum()
>> ipv4_packet = ipv4()
>> ipv4_packet.set_payload(udp_packet)
>> ipv4_packet.srcip = ipstr_to_int(CONTROLLER_IP)
>> ipv4_packet.dstip = ipstr_to_int(CONTROLLER_IP)
>> ipv4_packet.csum = ipv4_packet.checksum()
>> eth_packet = ethernet()
>> eth_packet.src = CONTROLLER_MAC
>> eth_packet.dst = CONTROLLER_MAC
>> eth_packet.set_payload(ipv4_packet)
>> eth_packet.type = ethernet.IP_TYPE
>> and send this then via self.send_openflow_packet
>> The packet goes out the link and is forwarded (via a flow on another switch)
>> back to the controller where I can see it in my packet_in handler.
>> The only problem is: the packet only consists of the link layer (ethernet
>> type) header and the ipv4 type header. The payload of the ipv4 packet (which
>> should be my udp header and the payload) is completely missing. From the
>> ipv4 class, the is None and I can also verify with wireshark that
>> the packet that is transmitted from the controller to the switch encapsuled
>> in an OpenFlow packet, consists only of the ethernet header and the ipv4
>> header.
>> Am I missing something? Where is this going wrong?
>> I tried to look at the send_openflow_packet function. It seems to somehow
>> call self.ctxt.send_openflow_packet_port in nox/src/nox/lib/ which I
>> could not find?!
>> I am not into Swig and all that stuff, so I am stuck here :(
>> Any help is greatly appreciated!
>> Best regards
>> Bernd
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>> nox-dev mailing list
> --
> Aaron O. Rosen
> Masters Student - Network Communication
> 306B Fluor Daniel
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> nox-dev mailing list

Aaron O. Rosen
Masters Student - Network Communication
306B Fluor Daniel

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