Hi Bill,
On 02/06/03 5:56pm you wrote...
>Brian, I have been finding many entries like these in my log files and was
>wondering what might be causing them:

>    2/6/2003 11:06:48 AM - Db228158000bacbfa.SMDInvalid pointer operation

I have no idea. I searched through 3 months of log files here and could find
no errors of this type at all. I would probably need to have the exact message
to see if I could duplicate the error. 

The fact that you see this is not necessarily a problem. It means that the
error was trapped correctly and that the worst that could happen is that the
message would simply be delivered normally.

We have exception traps all through the program for just this purpose. In a
perfect world we would know exactly what data is coming in, and in what format
it was. I have seen hundreds if not thousands of emails since we started this
that are not even loosely close to a properly formatted email message.

I am sure that whatever causes these is technically fixable, but I would need
to be able to reproduce it somehow.

>Also, can you please explain these entries and what they are looking for in
>the e-mail messages and how a weight value is determined for them:
>    Invalid routing
>    Excessive Routing

Invalid routing means that in the "Received:" header you may on occasion see
an entry where a local domain is used, but does not match the IP address it
says it is from.

For example the message you sent me has this:

Received: from PSMAIL.pointshare.com [] by mail.solidoak.com
with ESMTP
  (SMTPD32-7.04) id A1C61B20284; Thu, 06 Feb 2003 17:54:14 -0800

Now if it had this:

Received: from solidoak.com [] by mail.solidoak.com with ESMTP
  (SMTPD32-7.04) id A1C61B20284; Thu, 06 Feb 2003 17:54:14 -0800

You will see that the domain name says solidoak.com and the IP address is
yours. I can reproduce this here any time I feel like it by creating a message
and using SMTP to send directly to the recipients host server by resolving the
MX record. In this case, the message never goes through any other mail server.
I have yet to see a case where there is a good reason for doing this except to
send spam from locations you want to keep a secret.

Excessive routing is when there are excessive "hops" meaning the message was
probably intentionally routed through several servers. I think Declude uses a
more general term like "headers consistent with spam".

>Are either of the "routing" log entries above controlled by the "BADROUTING"
>configuration setting in the noxmail.nox file?

Yes, the BADROUTING value controls the penalty for "Invalid Routing". It
defaults to 2.

Hope this helps,


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