Hi John,

I had already made allowances for non-metered messages so what I did is to add
common bounce message indicators to the main pattern file. Most, if not all
bounce messages will now be ignored as far as licensing goes. I can update
this from the pattern file updates now so that anything I forgot can be added
at any time.

This is enabled in the final version which is now posted along with full
documentation at http://www.spammanager.com/imail/

On 2/10/2003 8:26am you wrote...
>In seeing users with issues where SpamManager stops scanning because of over
>limit, I have been thinking about it.
>I am a little concerned with that policy because it could cause problems
>when an unusually high message day occurs.
>Last week, one of our client tried out there new list they have with us
>which has about 4000 addresses on it.
>Do to an error in the way Imail handles lists and broken remote mail
>servers, the one message was resent 6 times before I figured out what was
>happening and stopped it. During that time, several thousand
>bounce/remove/unknown messages were received. We normally see SpamManager
>process about 2600 messages per day, but on that day, it processes about
>3700, and that does not include the hundreds that I intercepted in the spool
>file and in the overflow file.
>My concern is that in an unusual situation, not all messages will be
>processed. This would occur at the end of the day, when the normal IT person
>in charge of the mail server would not be around.
>John Tolmachoff MCSE, CSSA
>IT Manager, Network Engineer
>RelianceSoft, Inc.
>Fullerton, CA  92835
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