
Lars Corneliussen updated NPANDAY-486:

The current MSBuild integration is a hack. It was initially implemented as a 
dotnet-maven-plugin, but now also the Java binding has been forked from the 
originally generated source.

h2. How it works now
In order to "activate" MSBuild, the plugin 
{{{NPanday.Plugin.Msbuild.JavaBinding}}} must be configured:


Also currently, code generated by MSBuild seems to have to be included manually!
{code:title=from NPANDAY_328_VS2010WpfProjectSupportTest}

It registers MsbuildMojo.java to the validate-phase, which performs these 

* preExecute: If {{{copyDependencies}}} is {{{true}}} (is true by default), it 
will copy all dependencies of the current project to (!) {{{basedir/bin/Debug}}}
* preExecute: Then it adds all *.resource-files from (!) {{{obj/Debug}}} to 
project resources (using {{{project.addResource}}}
** (?) How can it even know theese, before having executed msbuild? Looks like 
this won't have any effect, before the second build runs.
* Execute: Calls into {{{MsbuildMojo.cs}}}
** Searches for {{{projectName.csproj/vbproj}}}
** Runs with: {{{/v:q /p:BuildProjectReferences=false 
** Deletes

h2. How it should work

This is still to be figured out. Let's collect some requirements:

h3. Functional Requirements (high-level)
* It must be possible to compile WPF-projects (with Xaml-files)
* any more?

h3. Conditions / Design Decisions
* The Maven principle of reproducible builds must be met.
* Dependencies from pom must override those specified in the build file
* Correct versions of dependencies must be ensured
* Project-references must be resolved inside the reactor, if possible.
* Generated code or resource must automatically be added to the POM (in-memory?)
* Msbuild targets should run in appropriate maven phase (not in validate!)
* Msbuild error-handling must
* (on) Msbuild-shadowing should be extensible (wildcard-include), means: 
{{{target/msbuild/build.xml}}}, importing:
** {{{use-generated-assembly-info.targets}}}
** {{{override-output-paths.targets}}}
** ...
* (on) We could suppress the actual C#/VB-compilation and all following steps; 
then run msbuild in process-sources
** hence: {{{skip-CoreCompile-and-following.targets}}}

h2. MSBuild Lifecycles

Trying to figure out, how MSBuild can be integrated with the standard Maven 

{color:red}red: changes to maven-compile-plugin lifecycle{color}
{color:green}green: msbuild concern{color}

h3. Integrated MSBuild Lifecycle Draft

This would run MSBuild up until short before compilation (CSC/VBC). Generation 
of the final artifacts are then still left to NPanday.

Means more control, but could mean less compatibility.

  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : initialize {color:red}Necessary?: 
runs {{{assemblyResolver.resolveTransitivelyFor}}} and 
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resolver-plugin : resolve
  - NPanday Plugins : NPanday.Plugin.Settings.JavaBinding : generate-settings
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : initialize (finds the 
MSBuild file and validates that msbuild is available?){color}

*on generate-sources*
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : *shaddow* (creates 
msbuild-file, figures out parametrization){color}
  -- {color:green}Should find 'integrated' contributors (through plexus) and 
execute all of them{color}
  -- {color:green}Replace {{{CoreCompile}}} target and skip following 
  -- ??
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 
  -- {color:green}Runs all MSBuild targets up to CoreCompile{color}
  -- {color:green}Includes dynamically added sources from @(Compile) to 
build/sources (apply excludes afterwards!){color}
  -- {color:green}Includes dynamically added resources from @(Compile) to 
build/resources (apply excludes afterwards!){color}
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : generate-assembly-info

*on process-sources*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : process-sources
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : process-test-sources
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 
*shadow-assembly-info* (should share code with generate-assembly-info){color}

*on process-resources*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : copy-resources
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate-existing-resx-to-resource

*on compile*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : compile

*on test-compile*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : testCompile

*on test*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-test-plugin : test

*on install*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-repository-plugin : convert-artifact
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install
  - Maven Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install

*on deploy*
  - Maven Plugins : maven-deploy-plugin : deploy

h3. Standalone MSBuild Lifecycle Draft

This would use MSBuild to actually create the final artifact. Means more 
compatibility, but lesser control.

  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : initialize {color:red}Necessary?: 
runs {{{assemblyResolver.resolveTransitivelyFor}}} and 
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resolver-plugin : resolve
  - NPanday Plugins : NPanday.Plugin.Settings.JavaBinding : generate-settings
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : initialize (finds the 
MSBuild file and validates that msbuild is available?){color}

*on generate-sources*
  - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : 
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : *shaddow* (creates 
msbuild-file, figures out parametrization){color}
  -- {color:green}should find 'standalone' concerns (through plexus) and 
execute all of them{color}
  -- {color:green}Replaces the previous AssemblyInfo with the new, generated, 
one {color}
  -- {color:green}Applies source and resource includes/excludes from pom to 
  -- {color:green}override dependencies / project dependencies{color}
*on process-sources*
  - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : process-sources-{color}
  - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : 

*on process-resources*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : copy-resources {color:red}Should 
this still be supported?{color}
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate-existing-resx-to-resource

*on compile*
  - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : compile-{color}
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 

*on test-compile*
  - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : testCompile-{color}
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 

*on test*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-test-plugin : test

  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : *verify* (Make sure 
the main artifact was generated by msbuild){color}

*on install*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-repository-plugin : convert-artifact
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install
  - Maven Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install

*on deploy*
  - Maven Plugins : maven-deploy-plugin : deploy

The current MSBuild integration is a hack. It was initially implemented as a 
dotnet-maven-plugin, but now also the Java binding has been forked from the 
originally generated source.

h2. How it works now
In order to "activate" MSBuild, the plugin 
{{{NPanday.Plugin.Msbuild.JavaBinding}}} must be configured:


Also currently, code generated by MSBuild seems to have to be included manually!
{code:title=from NPANDAY_328_VS2010WpfProjectSupportTest}

It registers MsbuildMojo.java to the validate-phase, which performs these 

* preExecute: If {{{copyDependencies}}} is {{{true}}} (is true by default), it 
will copy all dependencies of the current project to (!) {{{basedir/bin/Debug}}}
* preExecute: Then it adds all *.resource-files from (!) {{{obj/Debug}}} to 
project resources (using {{{project.addResource}}}
** (?) How can it even know theese, before having executed msbuild? Looks like 
this won't have any effect, before the second build runs.
* Execute: Calls into {{{MsbuildMojo.cs}}}
** Searches for {{{projectName.csproj/vbproj}}}
** Runs with: {{{/v:q /p:BuildProjectReferences=false 
** Deletes

h2. How it should work

This is still to be figured out. Let's collect some requirements:

h3. Functional Requirements (high-level)
* It must be possible to compile WPF-projects (with Xaml-files)
* any more?

h3. Conditions / Design Decisions
* The Maven principle of reproducible builds must be met.
* Dependencies from pom must override those specified in the build file
* Correct versions of dependencies must be ensured
* Project-references must be resolved inside the reactor, if possible.
* Generated code or resource must automatically be added to the POM (in-memory?)
* Msbuild targets should run in appropriate maven phase (not in validate!)
* Msbuild error-handling must
* (on) Msbuild-shadowing should be extensible (wildcard-include), means: 
{{{target/msbuild/build.xml}}}, importing:
** {{{use-generated-assembly-info.targets}}}
** {{{override-output-paths.targets}}}
** ...
* (on) We could suppress the actual C#/VB-compilation and all following steps; 
then run msbuild in process-sources
** hence: {{{skip-CoreCompile-and-following.targets}}}

h2. MSBuild Lifecycles

Trying to figure out, how MSBuild can be integrated with the standard Maven 

{color:red}red: changes to maven-compile-plugin lifecycle{color}
{color:green}green: msbuild concern{color}

h3. Integrated MSBuild Lifecycle Draft

This would run MSBuild up until short before compilation (CSC/VBC). Generation 
of the final artifacts are then still left to NPanday.

Means more control, but could mean less compatibility.

  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : initialize {color:red}Necessary?: 
runs {{{assemblyResolver.resolveTransitivelyFor}}} and 
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resolver-plugin : resolve
  - NPanday Plugins : NPanday.Plugin.Settings.JavaBinding : generate-settings
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : initialize (finds the 
MSBuild file and validates that msbuild is available?){color}

*on generate-sources*
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : *shaddow* (creates 
msbuild-file, figures out parametrization){color}
  -- {color:green}Should find 'integrated' contributors (through plexus) and 
execute all of them{color}
  -- {color:green}Replace {{{CoreCompile}}} target and skip following 
  -- ??
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 
  -- {color:green}Runs all MSBuild targets up to CoreCompile{color}
  -- {color:green}Includes dynamically added sources from @(Compile) to 
build/sources (apply excludes afterwards!){color}
  -- {color:green}Includes dynamically added resources from @(Compile) to 
build/resources (apply excludes afterwards!){color}
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : generate-assembly-info

*on process-sources*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : process-sources
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : process-test-sources
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 
*shadow-assembly-info* (should share code with generate-assembly-info){color}

*on process-resources*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : copy-resources
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate-existing-resx-to-resource

*on compile*
  - {color:red}NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : compile{color}

*on test-compile*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : testCompile

*on test*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-test-plugin : test

*on install*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-repository-plugin : convert-artifact
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install
  - Maven Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install

*on deploy*
  - Maven Plugins : maven-deploy-plugin : deploy

h3. Standalone MSBuild Lifecycle Draft

This would use MSBuild to actually create the final artifact. Means more 
compatibility, but lesser control.

  - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : initialize {color:red}Necessary?: 
runs {{{assemblyResolver.resolveTransitivelyFor}}} and 
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resolver-plugin : resolve
  - NPanday Plugins : NPanday.Plugin.Settings.JavaBinding : generate-settings
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : initialize (finds the 
MSBuild file and validates that msbuild is available?){color}

*on generate-sources*
  - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : 
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : *shaddow* (creates 
msbuild-file, figures out parametrization){color}
  -- {color:green}should find 'standalone' concerns (through plexus) and 
execute all of them{color}
  -- {color:green}Replaces the previous AssemblyInfo with the new, generated, 
one {color}
  -- {color:green}Applies source and resource includes/excludes from pom to 
  -- {color:green}override dependencies / project dependencies{color}
*on process-sources*
  - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : process-sources-{color}
  - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : 

*on process-resources*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : copy-resources {color:red}Should 
this still be supported?{color}
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate-existing-resx-to-resource

*on compile*
  - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : compile-{color}
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 

*on test-compile*
  - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : testCompile-{color}
  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 

*on test*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-test-plugin : test

  - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : *verify* (Make sure 
the main artifact was generated by msbuild){color}

*on install*
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-repository-plugin : convert-artifact
  - NPanday Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install
  - Maven Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install

*on deploy*
  - Maven Plugins : maven-deploy-plugin : deploy

> Implement integrated XBuild/MSBuild lifecycle (superseeds current MSBuild 
> integration)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: NPANDAY-486
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NPANDAY-486
>             Project: NPanday
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Maven Plugins
>    Affects Versions: 1.4-incubating
>         Environment: Windows/.NET: MSBuild; Mono: Xbuild
>            Reporter: Lars Corneliussen
>            Assignee: Lars Corneliussen
> The current MSBuild integration is a hack. It was initially implemented as a 
> dotnet-maven-plugin, but now also the Java binding has been forked from the 
> originally generated source.
> h2. How it works now
> In order to "activate" MSBuild, the plugin 
> {{{NPanday.Plugin.Msbuild.JavaBinding}}} must be configured:
> {code}
> <plugin>
> <groupId>org.apache.npanday.plugins</groupId>
> <artifactId>NPanday.Plugin.Msbuild.JavaBinding</artifactId>
>   <executions>
>     <execution>
>       <goals>
>         <goal>compile</goal>
>       </goals>
>     </execution>
>   </executions>
> </plugin>
> {code}
> Also currently, code generated by MSBuild seems to have to be included 
> manually!
> {code:title=from NPANDAY_328_VS2010WpfProjectSupportTest}
> ...
> <includeSource>obj\x86\Debug\App.g.cs</includeSource>
> ...
> {code}
> It registers MsbuildMojo.java to the validate-phase, which performs these 
> steps: 
> * preExecute: If {{{copyDependencies}}} is {{{true}}} (is true by default), 
> it will copy all dependencies of the current project to (!) 
> {{{basedir/bin/Debug}}}
> * preExecute: Then it adds all *.resource-files from (!) {{{obj/Debug}}} to 
> project resources (using {{{project.addResource}}}
> ** (?) How can it even know theese, before having executed msbuild? Looks 
> like this won't have any effect, before the second build runs.
> * Execute: Calls into {{{MsbuildMojo.cs}}}
> ** Searches for {{{projectName.csproj/vbproj}}}
> ** Runs with: {{{/v:q /p:BuildProjectReferences=false 
> /p:BuildingInsideVisualStudio=true}}}
> ** Deletes
> h2. How it should work
> This is still to be figured out. Let's collect some requirements:
> h3. Functional Requirements (high-level)
> * It must be possible to compile WPF-projects (with Xaml-files)
> * any more?
> h3. Conditions / Design Decisions
> * The Maven principle of reproducible builds must be met.
> * Dependencies from pom must override those specified in the build file
> * Correct versions of dependencies must be ensured
> * Project-references must be resolved inside the reactor, if possible.
> * Generated code or resource must automatically be added to the POM 
> (in-memory?)
> * Msbuild targets should run in appropriate maven phase (not in validate!)
> * Msbuild error-handling must
> * (on) Msbuild-shadowing should be extensible (wildcard-include), means: 
> {{{target/msbuild/build.xml}}}, importing:
> ** {{{use-generated-assembly-info.targets}}}
> ** {{{override-output-paths.targets}}}
> ** ...
> * (on) We could suppress the actual C#/VB-compilation and all following 
> steps; then run msbuild in process-sources
> ** hence: {{{skip-CoreCompile-and-following.targets}}}
> h2. MSBuild Lifecycles
> Trying to figure out, how MSBuild can be integrated with the standard Maven 
> lifecycle.
> {color:red}red: changes to maven-compile-plugin lifecycle{color}
> {color:green}green: msbuild concern{color}
> h3. Integrated MSBuild Lifecycle Draft
> This would run MSBuild up until short before compilation (CSC/VBC). 
> Generation of the final artifacts are then still left to NPanday.
> Means more control, but could mean less compatibility.
> *validate*
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : initialize 
> {color:red}Necessary?: runs {{{assemblyResolver.resolveTransitivelyFor}}} and 
> {{{assemblerContext.init}}}{color}
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-resolver-plugin : resolve
>   - NPanday Plugins : NPanday.Plugin.Settings.JavaBinding : generate-settings
>   - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : initialize (finds 
> the MSBuild file and validates that msbuild is available?){color}
> *on generate-sources*
>   - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : *shaddow* (creates 
> msbuild-file, figures out parametrization){color}
>   -- {color:green}Should find 'integrated' contributors (through plexus) and 
> execute all of them{color}
>   -- {color:green}Replace {{{CoreCompile}}} target and skip following 
> targets{color}
>   -- ??
>   - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 
> *run-integrated*{color}
>   -- {color:green}Runs all MSBuild targets up to CoreCompile{color}
>   -- {color:green}Includes dynamically added sources from @(Compile) to 
> build/sources (apply excludes afterwards!){color}
>   -- {color:green}Includes dynamically added resources from @(Compile) to 
> build/resources (apply excludes afterwards!){color}
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : generate-assembly-info
> *on process-sources*
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : process-sources
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : process-test-sources
>   - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 
> *shadow-assembly-info* (should share code with generate-assembly-info){color}
> *on process-resources*
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : copy-resources
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate-existing-resx-to-resource
> *on compile*
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : compile
> *on test-compile*
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : testCompile
> *on test*
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-test-plugin : test
> *on install*
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-repository-plugin : convert-artifact
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install
>   - Maven Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install
> *on deploy*
>   - Maven Plugins : maven-deploy-plugin : deploy
> h3. Standalone MSBuild Lifecycle Draft
> This would use MSBuild to actually create the final artifact. Means more 
> compatibility, but lesser control.
> *validate*
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : initialize 
> {color:red}Necessary?: runs {{{assemblyResolver.resolveTransitivelyFor}}} and 
> {{{assemblerContext.init}}}{color}
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-resolver-plugin : resolve
>   - NPanday Plugins : NPanday.Plugin.Settings.JavaBinding : generate-settings
>   - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : initialize (finds 
> the MSBuild file and validates that msbuild is available?){color}
> *on generate-sources*
>   - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : 
> generate-assembly-info-{color}
>   - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : *shaddow* (creates 
> msbuild-file, figures out parametrization){color}
>   -- {color:green}should find 'standalone' concerns (through plexus) and 
> execute all of them{color}
>   -- {color:green}Replaces the previous AssemblyInfo with the new, generated, 
> one {color}
>   -- {color:green}Applies source and resource includes/excludes from pom to 
> MSBuild{color}
>   -- {color:green}override dependencies / project dependencies{color}
> *on process-sources*
>   - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : 
> process-sources-{color}
>   - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : 
> process-test-sources-{color}
> *on process-resources*
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : copy-resources {color:red}Should 
> this still be supported?{color}
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-resgen-plugin : generate-existing-resx-to-resource
> *on compile*
>   - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : compile-{color}
>   - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 
> *run-standalone*{color}
> *on test-compile*
>   - {color:red}-NPanday Plugins : maven-compile-plugin : testCompile-{color}
>   - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : 
> *run-standalone-test*{color}
> *on test*
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-test-plugin : test
> {color:green}*verify*{color}
>   - {color:green}NPanday Plugins : msbuild-maven-plugin : *verify* (Make sure 
> the main artifact was generated by msbuild){color}
> *on install*
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-repository-plugin : convert-artifact
>   - NPanday Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install
>   - Maven Plugins : maven-install-plugin : install
> *on deploy*
>   - Maven Plugins : maven-deploy-plugin : deploy

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