Am 09.05.11 05:00, schrieb Eric Kolotyluk:
OK, I added

<name>Log for .Net</name>
Just interested: Where is this dependency located? Do we have it uploaded somewhere? Did you build and upload it somewhere?

to my POM, but if I try to do a build I get

   Error in Starting Maven Process: Value cannot be null.
   Parameter name: path1
Could you provide a stack trace?

I still cannot believe how hard this is to get working.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I should try next.

Cheers, Eric

On 2011-05-08 7:32 PM, Eric Kolotyluk wrote:
Please see below...

On 2011-05-08 7:22 PM, Adelita Padilla wrote:

Hi Eric,

On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Eric Kolotyluk < <>> wrote:

OK, there was no settings.xml in my ~/.m2 so I added the default one.

    I have been using Maven and m2e for months never needing to do
    that, so I don't understand why NPanday needs it there? I would
    consider that a bug.

    Now when I try to add an artifact it complains

    How am I supposed to know where that is?

You can add that dependency by configuring the remote repository. Here's the documentation for that ->

Yes, I found that page already, but it does not give me a URL for any remote repositories. How am I supposed to know where they are?

For example, how am I supposed to know how to find log4net?

    I've been struggling with NPanday for hours just because I want
    to try to add a dependency to log4net, and I still cannot see any
    light at the end of the tunnel.

    It is so much easier to use the Sonatype plugin for Eclipse.

    By the way, the file
    npanday-repository-builder-1.4.0-incubating-bin.tar.gz had no
npanday directory in it, so I'm using the one from the 1.3.1 release.

The npanday directory is located in /repository/releases/org/apache/npanday.

Ahhhh, that's different than 1.3.1. Thanks.

    Cheers, Eric

    On 2011-05-08 6:37 PM, Deng Ching wrote:
    Hi Eric,

    The message from the pop-up was just a warning, so you should
    still be able to add an artifact. What happens afterwards when
    you click OK?

    The settings.xml file btw, is a configuration file used by Maven
    where you can set the repositories that you want Maven to look
    for artifacts/dependencies of your project when you build it. It
    is also used by NPanday in a similar way during project import,
    artifact re-sync and when building your project.


    On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Eric Kolotyluk
< <>> wrote:

        I used

            * npanday-repository-builder-1.4.0-incubating-bin.tar.gz
            * npanday-installer-1.4.0-incubating.msi

        to set up NPanday, and I was able to set up my POMs ok.

        I'm trying to get NPanday to work with Visual Studio 2010,
        but when I try to add and artifact I get

        Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

        Cheers, Eric




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