+1 to Brett!
I had to convince my coworkers on adopting Maven just showing them it
works in our existing for .NET projects without changing their
software (I'm a .NET/Mono ignorant), otherwise they were looking for
native .NET build systems - what helped me was indeed the dependency
You know, developers are always reluctant to massive news, so rather
then "Maven for .NET" NPanday should sound more like ".NET
dependencies management" :P
just my 2 cents, all the best!


On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 1:02 AM, Brett Porter <br...@apache.org> wrote:
> Currently the site is a bit oriented towards "Maven users who want to build 
> .NET projects". Perhaps we need some HOWTO's titled ".NET dependency 
> management", oriented more at bringing NPanday's capability to the 
> conventional .NET user?
> On 09/11/2011, at 5:05 AM, Lars Corneliussen wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I got a comment on my blog:
>>> Hi, I think, it’s a great project! Please, make this project more visible, 
>>> we are using Maven for Java and we searched for “.net dependency 
>>> management”. All we found was some alpha projects at codplex (refix and 
>>> crude have around 30 downloads). After an extensive search we have found 
>>> NuGet and OpenWrap. I have found this project completely accidentally!!! It 
>>> would be really useful to get least some google hits to npanday on the 
>>> first page….
>> Any concrete ideas on how to make NPanday more visible?
>> _
>> Lars
> --
> Brett Porter
> br...@apache.org
> http://brettporter.wordpress.com/

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