These are currently derived from the Maven POM:

        String description = ( mavenProject.getDescription() != null ) ? 
mavenProject.getDescription() : ""; 
        String version = ( mavenProject.getVersion() != null ) ? 
mavenProject.getVersion() : ""; 
        String name = mavenProject.getName();                                   
        Organization org = mavenProject.getOrganization();                      
        String company = ( org != null ) ? org.getName() : "";                  
        assemblyInfo.setProduct( company + "-" + name );

That's in 

If you're interested in improving on this, perhaps you could submit a patch to 
add additional configuration to the generate goal to override any of those with 
a speificed value. That code is in 


On 11 Sep 2014, at 11:08 pm, Octavian <> wrote:

> Hello,
> How can I add information like AssemblyCompany, AssemblyCopyright,
> AssemblyProduct
> from the configuration tag of
> the org.apache.npanday.plugins:maven-compile-plugin?
> I see that there is <assemblyInfo>, but the properties that I put there are
> added as CustomStringAttribute in the AssemblyInfo.cs.
> Thanks,
> Octavian

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