Then Tonia (me) will speak for herself as I have done before. The joke is
old old old and old. And it has nothing to do with having a sense of humor
because I do have one. It's been going way too long. Let's put it to rest.
It's getting to the point that I'm irritated by it every single time.  It's
run it's course with me. And I have mentioned it to you before when we were
in line for the Webster Hall taping when you and Rich started it up then.
Just because I didn't cuss you out or get evil it doesn't mean I wasn't

As for going state to state to concerts, if I choose to then I'm going to.
Again bottom line. If I have the funds to go and I want to go then I'm going
to go. Period! Just because I do it doesn't mean I will ever neglect my
bills being paid on a monthly basis ON TIME. Trust in that. I have excellent
credit and will not let ANYBODY including PRINCE ruin that. You never have
and never will hear the words "I maxed my credit card or borrowed from a
bunch a people so I could go see Prince". That ain't' happening! EVER!! What
is really irritating is that people are so focus on what I'm doing with my
time and my money. As long as I'm taking care of me and mine it ain't
nobody's business. I work hard for my money and I'm using it the way I see
fit to use it. I mean damn there are a number of other people on the list
that have gone to other states to see him INCLUDING the Celebrations. Not
just the select people you choose to joke on. If you're gonna have jokes
then joke on all the ones you know do it not just a few.

On the subject of being up front in a line SO WHAT! Big deal. If that's
where I wanna be then that's on ME. I'm not begging anyone to understand or
accept it. You say those that know and don't know me are saying it too but
if they don't know me then how are they saying other than hearing it from
you every so often Derek. Which was the case at the Tamar show when someone
said you were telling them that I would be up front there.

You say that those "observational jokes" help you get by with dealing with
Prince's fans. But a good amount of the time your jokes are more evil than
jokes. At times they go waaaaay too far. If you and the individual you're
joking with know one another like that then fine but it doesn't mean it's
open season on others. Sometimes it's best to think first then speak not
speak and not care how others feel. If you feel I don't have a sense of
humor regarding this then that's your opinion and you're entitled to it just
like I'm entitled to mine. As others are entitled to theirs.

I've said my peace for the moment. If I have anything more to say I'd prefer
to say in person face to face. As I've told you before I don't care for the
back and forth mailing list/email bs. If I have to then fine but face to
face is more my way no matter how many people are around.


<Moderator: We all have to refer to the previous emails to know this has 
already ben squashed  -Derek>

On 5/11/06, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *<Moderaotr: Oh  please you will be the 2nd one there behind Tonia :-D
> -Derek>*
> That's 2. Now I know it's some sick, twisted disease u have.
> If u have nothing nice 2 say about Tonia, u need 2 keep her name off
> of urevil lips. She has done nothing 2 u 4 u 2 keep coming down on her
> about her
> choices. U r not her father. Nor would u b a choice in the category of the
> perfect father. Considerate, caring people think about the feelings of
> others b4 they allow ugly words 2 represent who they r. U attack people
> with
> no merit or logic. Had I known that this whole front of the line thing was
> a
> sad running joke 4 u that u can't seem 2 get past, I would have never
> fanned
> ur flame. Don't u ever let anything die? Do u need 2 bring others down 2
> lift ur sad life up? How childish r u? 2 consistently beat a dead horse,
> year after year, shows a lack of maturity.  No one has promised u that
> their
> lives r in ur hands, why do u feel the need 2 school us all. U need 2 take
> a
> few lessons in net-etiquette urself. And a few more lessons in compassion.
> U
> have no idea why we do the things we do. They may seem silly 2 u, but
> everyone has reasons 4 doing what they do. Reasons far deeper than your
> small mind can delve. Just like u have reasons taking time out of ur life
> 2
> moderate this list 4 Prince fans. I'll blast my reason just 2 give u some
> incite into things u don't understand. Other than my daughter, I don't
> have
> family Derek.  Since 1983 I've been on my own. I look up 2 Prince because
> that was the first person who unknowingly took my mind off of this. The
> only
> positive thing I could cling 2. Maybe if I still had my mother and father,
> I
> would not feel the need 2 cling 2 Prince. U don't know Tonia's reasons.
> And
> u don't think past ur own nose 2 give her the respect that she and
> everyone
> here deserves.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Grow up Derek. What u do 4 the sake of a laugh, can hurt 
> people
> more
> than u have the capacity u know. Can't u just grow the balls 2 apologize 4
> causing others undue pain.
> ~Belinda
> <Moderator: Firstly, you should not speak for other people. Speak for
> yourself. It bothered Tonia that i mean that joke. She would tell me. She
> yet to tell me. And trust me she would tell me...
> secondly, I am not only one that makes that joke. EVERYONE that know and
> doesn't know Tonia makes that Observation at EVERY appearance that she
> attends.  You beating me up because I am here in your face and it
> apparently hits close to home about something I said...
> and get some mental help.
> I have been reluctantly running an insane asylum for 10 FREAKING YEARS and
> I can't make a observational jokes?! It's the only way I can get by the
> day to monotony Prince fans and there pyschosis. This obession that some
> of you have with Prince is extremely unhealthy. I don't go chasing someone
> state to state see the same show over and over when I have bills to pay
> and responsibility to my children [SINCE YOU WENT THERE BTW]
> You think this shit is easy then you do it! You would never have lasted
> half as long as I have...  -Derek>
> On 5/11/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> LOL...Steve I i know you'll be there...Come  on!!!!
>> -P
>> In a message dated 5/11/2006 10:01:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> I'm not  sure if I'll be able to get up that early.  I
>> have a hard enough time  coming to work in the morning.
>> :(
>> <Moderaotr: Oh  please you will be the 2nd one there behind Tonia :-D
>> -Derek>

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