Hi Sylvia,
The shows are are all sold out for February but you can try  calling the Rio

Box Office.  
BTW- VIP is not better than a regular ticket.
In a message dated 2/10/2007 8:06:32 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Hi  guys!

Long long time I haven't posted anything.. (I'm the girl who  brought the 
first Pokey to a NPNY party)

So, I've been a little out  of the loop, but I think I just got somebody to
go with me to Vegas to see  Prince--is he only playing there till the end of
Feb? Or do they release  tickets just few dates at a time?

Also, any tips for the trip? Hotels?  Would it be much worse not to be in

VIP section? 

Thanks a  lot!!

<Moderator: Hey Syl! Right now there is no official  word on how long the
3121 Vegas shows are going to last. Rumor is that  after the superbowl
was going to kick of a tour, but nothing has  been heard about it yet. Only
hint we have at this moment is a Canadian  arena with symbol shaped stage

If you go it's better  to get the tickets from the Box Office of the Rio.
save yourself money  that way. Plus when ticketmaster is sold out usually
Box Office still  has tickets.

I don't know anymore so I will let some of the people that  have gone field
the rest of the questions.   -Derek>

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