That was funny, the NPG looked like a zoo display behind the velvet rope
and everyone standing behind it to get a glimpse. Princes bodyguard also
was going around watching for people snapping pix.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Oliver, Damon
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 7:55 AM
Subject: RE: NPNY: This Day In Music history...

Wow I didn't even remember it was Valentines Day then. I remember the
ladies from The View sitting there chowing down on appetizers lol.
Montell Williams trying to act relevant. And yes that was Aston Kutcher,
he was hanging with some MTV V-Jay who's name I cant remember and they
were friends with Rosario Dawson.

<Moderator: All I remember from that night is the party coming to a
crashin' halt once Prince arrived and everyone started starin' at him
a lil monkey in the Zoo that at any minute was going to pull a guitar
of his butt and play purple rain :-\  -Derek>

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Andrew Stanger
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 9:52 AM
Subject: RE: NPNY: This Day In Music history...

It was Valentine's Day?  I forgot that part. I went and took some
friends. No performance - just a dj. And staring at prince talk to a
bunch of famous people - jay-z, star jones, tretch, lil kim, aston
kucher (I think - had no idea who he was at that time). a bunch of
computers with a demo of the site. I stole a poster off the wall for the
site. Pretty lame but at least it was free.

<Moderator: Prince has never thrown a good party in New York :-P

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Derek Kelly
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 9:32 AM
To: New Power New York Mailing List
Subject: NPNY: This Day In Music history...

2001 - Prince launches a subscription service whereby fans are asked to
pay as much as $100 a year for online access to the rock impresario`s
songs and videos as well as VIP passes to Prince concerts and after-show
parties. Prince unveils his NPG Music Club at New York`s Studio 54.

Ahhh yes I remember this day well LOL

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