Now that I do miss and you're right, I'm used to driving everywhere because
this some country azz place...ROFL
  Robin aka CherryMoon

<Modereator: Heheh  -Derek>

Robin Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Yeah and in the snow, with holes in your shoes....Right?


Not Lazy...that heat is a killa and I'm spoiled...hehehehehe

Robin n Jersee

distances to travel. In NYC there is Bodega in every corner and are better
stocked then Macy's LOL -Derek>

Robin Turner wrote:
Thanks so much Portia. Just over here fantazing and going through "What

And 5 blocks isn't that bad, unless it's 90 degrees and 99 percent
humidity...LOL TORTURE!!!!

Just looking at some options. Again thanks for the info.

Robin aka CherryMoon

everyday! Lazy Rich Prince fans :-P -Derek>

Well the Macy's is about 5 blocks away from The Target Center, so short
or cab ride if you've got heels. Then the 22 mile trip to PP. Check this
map for details:

_from: 600 N 1st Ave to: 700 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 - Google


In a message dated 5/29/2007 3:59:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

Wow...Well maybe it's like the one in NYC. But does that one in NYC have an

Okay, 4 pm at Macy's, Show at Target Center (fingers crossed afterparty at
Paisley) Seems like a lot of driving or is it me?

Never went to the Target center. Anyone have any info?

Robin aka CherryMoon

It's at the Macy's downtown....not Mall of America...

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