I bought it as well and the scent is kind of hard to desribe. Strong
alchohol, flower / sweet musk thing going on. The scent also becomes faint
after a few minutes. When I wore it out with my guy friend (also a Prince
fan) and asked how it smelled, he said it smelled ok on me, but he wouldn't
wear it cause it definitely is made for a female...I spritzed some on him
anyway! LOL

It's not a bad smell, but it's not a scent I would go out of my way to buy
for myself. If it smelled more like Play in The Sunshine, I'd buy it in
gallon size!


<Moderator: My mother was in Macy's looking for a dress to wear for her funeral and she overheard someone asking about the perfume. The staff had no idea what that was. -Derek>

From: Amalia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: npny@lists.panix.com
To: npny@lists.panix.com
Subject: Re: NPNY: 3121 PERFUME
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 12:47:26 -0400

I think it has a male cologne smell to it. I have it on right now and
I would rather smell it on a man.
On Jul 13, 2007, at 11:19 AM, april snow wrote:

Noone has mentioned anything bout the perfume since it came out.  My
friend took delivery of my order today.  I made her open it and
smell it.
She says it smells like an old lady!  Any comments from others who
the purchase?  I'm curious, especially since noone has said
anything about
it.  Maybe it does smell like an old lady?  I guess I'll have to
wait til
I get home tonight and find out.

<Moderator: LMAO! "Old Lady"!! That is brilliant! So does that it
its a mix of Oil Of Olay and Ben Gay? :-D -Derek>

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