The US promotion for this album was quite a lot, actually. Besides that
little Super Bowl performance this year, There was the Verizon download,
which was supported with TV, print, and radio spots, then Sony took out
consumer and trade ads for the release. "Guitar" was also "Song of the Day"
at, and let's not forget, the news about the UK giveaway was that
they gave away 1 million full length CDs. Any artist would kill for this
kind of promotion.

There hasn't been this kind of set up for an album release in the US since
the 80s. 92,000 CDs sold after all of THIS? I agree with Derek (again), I
think Prince's fan base, us, have spoken.

I also want to mention that this album is not available on iTunes. This is
mainly because of Sony's refusal to play ball with Apple, I'm sure, but on
Prince's part, it's frustrating to fans, and silly. Give away 1 million CDs
but don't have the album available to  BUY as a download? Less than a month
after the iPhone comes out? There's no elaborate booklet or packaging on the
CD, it's not really a collector's item. For 12 years he's been going on
about the future of music "being able to download files in2 your fam's
computers"--I wonder what happened?

On 7/31/07 8:33 PM, "NPS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> According to Hits Daily Double, it debuted at #3 with 92,000 units sold.
> was UTV's Now 25; #2 was the Hairspray soundtrack.
> Not bad for an album with very little US promotion other than reviews &
> about the UK giveaway.
> <Moderator: Well considering that his current hardcore fanbase is probably
> 100,000 to 150,000 people in the USA that is pretty decent. 3121 sold
> on its first week.  -Derek>
> On 7/31/07, Andrew Stanger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Anyone know where PE charted?
>> AS
>> <Moderator: Info not available at this time. Doesn't show up on the
>> Billboard Top 100. I don't know when they update that info  -Derek>

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