Hello.  Just got to hear this and it reminds me of a song on New Power Soul
album, but I do like it.  No mistaking it as Prince-flavored.

“Home” By Bria Valente  Posted in Bria Valente,  Home,  Prince with tags
Bria Valente, Home, Prince  on May 5, 2008 by drfunkenberry   

 “Home,” the first hip clip from the forthcoming Bria Valente CD.
 Who’s that backing her up?  

Derek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Prince apparently has a new Protégé in the
works. Check out
http://drfunkenberry.wordpress.com . Sounds like Prince is definitely all
over this track! I usually don’t post stuff from Sites like this, but the
Proof is in the pudding. Listen to the Sound clip on the site. Tell me what
you think…

[Thanks J for the information -Derek]

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