Taken from TheFloridaNPG

Thanks Judy for the update...

>From "Gav"
A housequake moderator

Firstly, the simple reason that nothing's been said is that as many of
you know, I look after the Prince liaison and legal statements for
Housequake and I've been snowed under with my day job - in fact I only
found out HQ was closed by email from one of the other mods this

As some have noticed, relations with official sources have been very
good of late, however mostly because we've been "playing the game" and
trying our best to not offend P. An example of this is how we've had a
header that doesn't even mention Prince's name nor shows his photo.

A couple of weeks ago, one member put together some excellent
lotusflower "inspired" banners that used a symbol that looked a bit like
Prince's but with a flower modification. As they didn't infringe
copyright, we took the decision to put these live, along with the
official banners we were supplied directly by P.

Roughly 24 hours later, we got a very blunt email saying "this must be
removed" from one of his team. We tried to discuss this explaining that
it's very difficult to have a fan website that doesn't have a picture of
Prince or even show his symbol, however P was adamant that we don't
"imply official status".

As someone else noticed on this thread, this was quite frankly the straw
that broke the camels back and Aaron came to the belief that this really
isn't a fun thing to do any more. Please remember that this is just a
hobby for Aaron. It costs him money to run (we can't take donations any
more as it changes our legal status and this was used by Prince's legal
representation to claim we were a commercial organisation - nice huh ?)
and take up a great deal of his time. Would you spend time and money on
something you didn't enjoy ?

Is HQ over ? I personally don't know but I've spent a great deal of time
playing "united nations" to repair relationships between Prince and all
the PFU members (I brokered the "ceasefire" between the PFU and Prince)
so I'm not about to give up yet.

It Ain't Over !

ps - thanks for the notes of support for HQ. This isn't about Prince.org
vs Housequake, this is purely about fans rights to support an artist in
a reasonable manner.

Peace Love and Music,

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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