Wow! What a great report. I am  so happy that you got to experience this. I
have trouble navigating the org, and I was a bit distracted by some nonsense
that I missed your review. I am grateful that i got to see it here. It
reaffirms the reasons behind my being a Prince fan. Thanks for posting it.


On Feb 14, 2009, at 12:26 PM, wrote:

<Moderator: RD had to find and copy and paste it from TheOrg for some reason
I kept only get the first line.   -Derek>

The title of this is a tribute or theft of sorts for Stanley Kubricks' film, Dr Strangelove: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb.
my experience wasn't anything to do with that film it was Kubrick- ian in that it reminded me of another of his films, Eyes Wide Shut.

It began with an email telling me that I had been cordially invited to Princes mansion. Yes it said exactly that and a few other things. Be there at 8 p.m. I'm intrigued, and I'm also thinking someone else is pulling a hoax on ol' RD. I mean what would you think if you received such a notice? It was like Eyes Wide Shut in that there is this mansion, strange but intriguing things are said to go on there, and its private.

After deciding to go and try my luck, not knowing what to expect, we had some drama over finding the correct address due to map quest and our gps. We ended at a dead end mansion under construction and then even went to an old mansion with a lock on its with old creeping trees on it. I definitely felt like it was a hoax. I'm like what the hell is going on? I was actually ready to call it a night and go eat somewhere in Hollywood as it was nearing the stated 8 p.m. starting time. Finally I flagged down a cop as I was making a major traffic violation. I told him I was looking for Princes house lol. He stated that prince had several addresses. He was kind enough to lead us to the final street area address. I knew this was the right place.

.. ..

They asked for my name and looked on a list. Of course we did not have a password like Fidelio in the movie but I gave them my name as password, "rdhull." They let us go in. We drove up to the gates of the neighborhood just like in Eyes Wide Shut where Tom Cruise has to enter using his mask.
The gates are like a mile from the houses.

Now this neighborhood was not any neighborhood..this is where folks who never have to work another day in their life nor will their family, lives. Someone asked before I left where I planned to park as Beverly Hills is notorious for no parking on it's streets. Oh no, this wasn't that same area Bev Hills folks are accustomed to. We pull in to the house into the circular driveway area with fountain. It's a sprawling mansion. I expected someone to greet me with "Welcome Mr. Bond, we've been expecting you. " I was at the Purple Casino Royale.

We walked up the steps into the house and were greeted by security/ staff. They opened the door and told us told "everyone's in the kitchen". Me and my better half were just looking at each other as we walked down the marble floored hall to where we heard some voices, walking as if were in the FBI building at Langley lol. We felt at any minute someone would tell us "Um excuse me, you have to leave" lol.

Of course the kitchen is huge and elaborate..with a center block big enough to seat 20 people or so. The cooks are cooking, the drinks are flowing, the conversation is going. We choose to sit in the living room right next to the kitchen. It's a huge open space. Prince music is being pumped through built in wall speakers. Band members walk in, walk out, Bria Valentine, dj Rasheeda, (I asked her later " remember me from BET Aftershow?") she was so nice tonight lol.

We first met two people from the Huffington Post who were pleased to see some other people arrive. They were very pleasant to talk with. We all felt like our initial invites were a hoax.but the Huffington post guy came from NY and brought a colleague on this "might be real or might not be real" invitation. "Whoah"-C Neo. We talked a while. Amorbella from came and told us her friend named Pej was coming. I immediately lit up lol. "Oh boy, is this great !"-CFlounder/Animal House. It was like Eyes Wide Shut again because "an old friend" is at the mansion as well. And my missus and Amor went through the house just looking casually like Tom did. I wonder if they saw any orgies haha. They saw and talked to Prince a bit though. Everyone was relaxed, normal, as well as Mr. Purple himself. He was pleasant, at ease, friendly.and why not? He was at home.

Hor Deuverves were being served and made by two chefs. Skewered pastas (yes skewered pasta), stuffed mushrooms, other delights. A drink server was ever so gracious bringing us drinks all night. I had to use the restroom ( I was thinking..oh lawd..I am pooping in Princes house. How mortifying).
After I
come around the corner using the facilities, there's Pej, all dapper in a fedora no less. I immediately started laughing as I walked towards him and we hugged like in Eyes Wide Shut. As we hugged he was laughing and I was as well. It was comical for some reason that us two jokers would end up here.

We walked in the room with the magic piano and clock rug.I also notice that room was one of the pages on the NPGMC.the doors were unmistakable.
I told
Pej.."Look..I'm in a virtual website now lol" as I stood in the room next to the piano.

We meet and talk with Princes hairdresser and crew (who got the party grooving later) and also the web designers in a casual dinner party atmosphere. The web designers Scot Clay , Anthony Malzone are down to earth people who really valued our opinions and really are excited about the project. We discussed thing such as the youtube situation. I stated that "I have a feeling this is why Prince took down his videos at youtube, so he could have a centralized place for his material." Scott affirmed that. Mind you while all this is going on I'm still trippin. My favorite thing is that my baby girl (the "D" in RD) was able to experience it with me.
After an
hour I finally go and get some hor duerves. I ate a few and felt like it was I Love Lucy situation where she ate that fake apple at Ricky's boss house. Not that I ate fake fruit but I was just eating lol. And oh I had several glasses of ginger ale that I requested from the wait staff. Why I didn't order and alcohol I don't know but I was already on a 'high' so to speak.
They were so nice and accommodating. Prince is truly a class act.

After a while Prince is there and mingling. We are lead downstairs. He is in the hall as we pass him and I go "Hi" like Jill Jones after he sang Purple Rain in the movie, and he says "hey" back. I cant look at him too much because the Jaime Fox syndrome and just out of nervousness. They lead us to another second part of the mansion and enter a theater room. Nice comfortable cushions and seats in a theater fashion except it was more funkdafied. The website is on the giant screen and Scott begins to give his presentation. He shows us what's happening with the future of the website which included a section to go to each of the three albums and how you can download and listen to each song from each respective cd. He showed us the "inside Prince" section of Lotusflow3r which had us enter a globe sphere with so many icons spinning inside a sphere. You choose an icon and it may be an image of Prince , the Twins, whomever. You pick another and it's a high quality video. The one Scott clicked began showing a video and dummy me yells out "Creep" nonchalantly and immediately. Kind of shocked that I knew what it was so fast, Scott stated yes indeed it was the Creep video and it was the Coachella performance. Other videos picked had other performances from the Coachella concert. However there are some legal ramblings that need to be worked out before Creep can be shown officially he later told me.

.. ..

Another special feature that Scott presented was a section that showed clips of a Prince Movie. A lot had to deal with 3121 project I believe because there were flash cut scenes of 3121 performances at his other place in Beverly Hills, and side bars of comments by people and such. This is directed by someone named Sima. It looked real interesting to say the least. I immediately thought of Madonna's Truth Or Dare. BTW regarding the name Sima, it made me recall the drink Zima. Wonder if it's still around.

I asked if there would be vault content and they stated that yes, there would be. Now if it's the vault material between 1980 and 1990 or
2004 to
2009 who knows lmao. Other information was given to us such as how the water will actually be flowing on the website, the images will move etc.
section would take you to another 'galaxy." And the artwork is what is already presented but the galaxies that have not been offered are more dynamic.

I asked Scott (again out loud, the ugly American that I am) if what we were seeing was what everyone at home was able to see right now. He stated that no we were seeing exclusive future presentations of the website. He stated that "the website has gone live about 30 minutes ago." So as I sat there in Princes theater room I was wondering what everyone was doing online. I stated something about wondering if there were blogs or forums and the reaction I got was humorous. If I recall correctly it was stated that a blog may come to fruition for people to leave their comments. There were some March dates listed on the site and I was under the impression that not only will cds be released at that time but maybe a tour of some sort.

One thing they wanted to convey was that the website is a work in progress. Daily, weekly, things will happen or disappear. One thing that's of note is that Prince wants things to be done as soon as the idea pops in his head. He is "spontaneous" like that regarding this project, Anthony stated earlier. So no mulling over this or that: an idea happens, so lets make it work as soon as possible situations are in store. The designers were pleased to be working with Prince because he is excited about things in the project as they are.

As Scott ended the presentation, Prince struck a guitar string and it wailed throughout the place in a Pied-Piper call for us mice to follow the wail. And we did. Down the hall to another smaller more intimate living room, Prince and band were all set up. As we all walked in and stood in front of them, they began with a lively " Lets Go" by The Cars. He went into the Crimson and Clover cover and it sounded ethereal live. Then Miss You by The Rolling Stones (I kind of like that band a bit tee hee). And oh did they make Miss You funky. It was extended and everyone grooved to it. The harmonica player who was such a gracious gentleman (as well as his wife)also rocked his harmonica piece doing duels with Prince. It was the harmonica versus the guitar. And oh what a guitar. Prince rocked the ever prized Controversy Hohner so hard. He came up to me and the missus displaying his extraordinary guitar skills as I did the "we're not worthy" patented bow I do whenever I see him up close with the Hohner. He ripped it for like a minute going off on the geetar while the Miss You groove played and everyone sang the "whoo whoo whoo oo oo oo" parts. I was in awe, in limbo, and on terra firma all at the same time. He did some other sludge groove bucket songs that apparently are new. They were all backed by a driving groove. What was notable of the covers he played. Yes he played Sly Stone material, but then came the guitar riff of The Doobie Brothers 'Long Train Runnin.' Wow.and they rocked it. Shelby especially. She was M.V.P. of the night rocking the joint and pumping it up with energy. Then they also did Ohio Player's 'I Want To Be free.' Let me explain what was special about this. I Want To Be Free had this vibe. It was extended . I turn around and everyone is moving like in slow motion grooving as if they were on acid. Now imagine this "I want to be free" part going on and on in the slow sexy groove. Now imagine Prince and company doing it in his room with the lights low and disco light going and everyone seeming to be jonesing and twisting and turning.then they end it right? But Anita Baker wants some. She comes on and they sing more of the I Want To Be Free coda that and it becomes an ascension of slow groove but with Prince playing guitar like Charlie Daniels does the fiddle in Devil Went Down To Georgia. Then he apexed the guitar to a crescendo with Free slow groove climaxing. In essence Prince 'Joy and Repetition'ed it. After it was over we were spent, but on a sweat funk high. Then he did.. Controversy. Oh no. You know Controversy is THE essence of Prince song right?. Him and the hohner doing Controversy is a religious experience. And trust, we went to church. Oh how good the 'chicken scratch' guitar sounds on this song. Then I Feel For You. Then Pulling out Sexy Dancer on us? He did Guitar and it was thumpin. He did another extreme solo and marvelous playing on this one. Overall, he was really in love with the guitar this night and the band was all about the bottom. Cora was doing her thing. Her vibe was Cloreen Baconskin trust me. Then came a new one if I'm not mistaken called Old School Syndicate. Now this song was bad ass as it has this synth riff that is .menacing. Prince continued to state that this was his song and he killed it with rapped choruses , menacing synth riff as the base of the song, the background singers Marva, Shelby, and Liv all killing it. I mean it seems like a Dr. Dre type of aggression in the song. One of the Prince 'fuck you I'm bad' songs. He did Stand and in the coda where the chant is 'na na na na na na na na', he went into Turn Me loose. Turn Me Loose which sounded great live. A real chugging song that was 'furious." He also did Be Happy by Mary J Blige (Shelby sang it) and even went into Barry Whites Ecstasy. Sang the whole thing. It was a groove filled set. Everybody was dancing, the web designers , his people, guests.

After the main portion, the band left, and Prince went to his sequencer that placed the backing drums to several songs. He played several and sang along to them. Alphabet Street, Dorothy Parker. He let Erotic City groove play, then changed up to Forever In My Life and let that drum backing play. I began to sing 'alright" like they did in SOTT movies and he gave a nod of acknowledgment which was cool. He picked up his guitar and started singing it while everyone else did the "la da da da's." Then he went and had to begin the Irresistable Bitch program. Oh no. He went to the drums and began his Cloreen Baconskin. Playing to Irresistable Bitch. Pej and I sang the lyrics but did 'Ughs" on the Bitch portion. Hush! I don't want hear it about not cursing. I was being respectful as one should be in the situation. Here's where I get moded: Prince finishes playing the drums , Irresistable is still playing, he walks to the sequencer and and I sing the end part "Everybody.everybody dance" just as he cut it off. He turned around and pointed to me and laughed in a "Ha you got moded, I cut it off before that part " laugh lol. I don't care what anybody says, I jammed with Prince on Irresistable Bitch lol. Then he walked on over through the crowd and hung out in the hallway. I shook his hand and we spoke about some things (the dow jones) and we continued to mingle and dance to Dj Rasheeda. Folks went upstairs, I stayed downstairs with Pej, Amorebella, my baby, Anita, Taz from Sa-Ra, Anita Baker and more. I kept telling Anita "Chapter 8! Sweet Love.
Giving you the She was gracious.

.. ..

A staffer asked us to give some quotes (On the lotusflo3r site, there is a section of quotes. The first two on the lotusflow3r site are mine, the third quote is is Amor's, the fourth quote is Mrs. RD, the fifth ("fif"-
quote is Pej's). I ended up doing the soul train line up with Shelby, Liv, Marva, the hairdressers, and my babygirl . I did the splits in tribute to him and the fuse blew out. We laughed and went upstairs with the others where we mingled.

Prince was in the kitchen, walking around us mingling. Let me say that for all the mystery folks believe of him, he is nothing short of normal. Talking, eating, mingling. There was no man behind the curtain vibe. He was open and gracious. Everyone, band, designers, guests, were just chilling around the kitchen block center or on the couch as if we were just at a barbeque. Desserts were served. Even at this point after all had happened, I still felt like it was not happening. Prince was eating a dessert, I talked more to his head designer Scott and Anthony. Special thanks to Princes drink/wait staff who was always gracious to the point I felt like I needed to give a tip.

About 90 minutes (4 a.m.) later I was in a Denny's with the dreaded nightshift crew and patrons. As I sat there shaking my head at two drunken club hoes who literally carried each other from the facilities to the car I was thinking to myself "30 minutes ago I was at Princes mansion with him playing, watching a website presentation, mingling. Now I'm here eating a Moons Over My-Hammy with the oddest wait staff and patrons. Let me keep my Eyes Wide Shut."

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