We are pleased to announce new resources to support you
in implementing the Indicator 14 changes!

Check out our home page

for new resources: 

Indicator 14 FAQ (online)
Indicator 14 FAQ (print version)
Indicator 14 FAQ presentation (full ppt to accompany the FAQ)
Indictor 14 FAQ OSEP July 9, 2009 Webinar presentation
Plus a handy
Link to the Revised Part B Indicator Measurement Table and Instructions

We are also in the process of revising our Stage 1 and 2 Interview Protocols
and will get them out to you as soon as possible.

As always, let us know how we can support your good post-school outcomes

Jane Falls, Coordinator
National Post-School Outcomes Center
1268 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1268


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