> Hello all,
> I am using ns-allinone-2.28 on cygwin (win XP). I had
> to create a "clone" of AODV and change its some
> attributes with a new name according to my scenario. I
> named my protocol "aodv_au" and copied the aodv folder
> changing its name to aodv_au. Then I changed every
> "aodv" word in aodv*.cc/h/tcl files(i know this sounds
> stupid!!!) to aodv_au, including the file names in
> that copied folder. My aim was to create a second aodv
> with a name (aodv_au) first, then to change it step by
> step.

Yes, that's exactly these staps that I propose here, but one must know what
he's doing

> And by following Francisco Ros's tutorial -which
> is quite helpful-
> (http://masimum.dif.um.es/nsrt-howto/html/), I made
nice tutorial - added to my page a link

> necessary changes and additions as well(packet.h,
> priqueue.cc, cmu-trace.h/cc,
> ns-lib/default/packet.tcl, makefile, etc.). After
> "touch"ing packet.cc , I recompiled ns2, by running
> "make". When I tried to run a script with my own
> protocol name it gave this famous "wrong node routing
> agent" error. After changing lowercase and uppercase
> version of the routing agent name in my script
> thinking that the name might be wrong somehow, I tried
> to find an answer for my problem in ns-users archive.
> I downloaded all the archive text files since 1998 and
> tried to find an answer. As an answer, for
> troubleshooting, Mr.Ros was suggesting to change
> ns-lib.tcl file as below:
> switch -exact $routingAgent_ {
>   #....
>    default {
>           puts "Wrong node routing agent!: $routingAgent_"
>             exit
>    }
>   #.....
> }
> just to see which routing protocol name is coming up
> as the routing agent, i think.
> However, even after this change and while expecting to
> see something like "wrong node routing agent: XXXX", I
> saw the same error without any routing agent name:
> "wrong node routing agent!".

a) Debug this part of otcl code with my otcl debugger

and check why code is going into the default case.

> I did "make clean", and recompiled everything again.

Maybe its a bug on the switch

> However, I am still getting the same error. Why does
> my change in "ns-lib.tcl" not affect the error
> message?

> If anybody had this error before, I saw too many
> messages about this issue, please let me know how you
> solved this problem.
> Any ideas/answers will be appreciated...
> thank you
> Cenker

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