Hello NS-users,

I'm currently working on simulating adhoc-wireless nwks. My observation is 
that the packet delivery ratios with DSR are much lower compared to those 
obtained when AODV is used as the routing protocol. Simulation parameters 
are as follows:

    Terrain:          1500 * 1500
    # of nodes:       120
    Traffic:          CBR @ 5pkts/sec over 20 connections
    Mobility:         1 m/sec with 0 pause time

I really can't understand if,

    1. AODV is a better routing protocol compared to DSR, or
    2. there's some bug in the DSR implementation of NS-2.28 (which is the 
version I'm using) as pointed out on some posts on the mailing list.

I would be v.much grateful if someone gives me an answer at the earliest 
('coz my project is held up till I find a solution)


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