Dear sir,

i am doing my project in wireless adhoc networks using ns2..i hav some basic
doubts regarding adhoc scenario in aodv..

(1) In any wireless adhoc scenario, the neighboring nodes are decided based
on transmission range right...then, i face a problem stated below..

consider 4 nodes (n1,n2,n3,n4) in the same transmission range..n2 being near
to n1,n3 being near to n2 and n4 being near to n3.. now, if i send a packet
from n1 to n4, it is going via n1-n2-n3-n4...not directly from n1 to
n4(which is the expected action because n1 and n4 are in same transmission
range).. I dont know why is it happening like this? can u please give a soln
to my problem..

Note: i used AODV protocol

(2) I hav connected an instance of my agent to each of my nodes..should i
connect the two agents of each pair of nodes in wireless ad! hoc topograpy
to enable packet transmission between them?

(3) In wireless adhoc network,  Can each node promiscuously listen to the
transmission of its neighboring node (i.e. a node in its transmission range)
by default or should i set some flag for setting a node in promiscuous mode?

I wl be very much thankful to u if u clear me the above doubts in wireless
adhoc scenario...


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