Hi all, 
i need some help with implementing CBQ into WFQ. I have written the program for 
the flow based WFQ but i want to have a better comparision on individual packet 
components therefore in need to implement class based WFQ.  Can someone advice 
me on this


Sent: Fri 2/24/2006 4:00 AM
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Subject: Ns-users Digest, Vol 26, Issue 24

Send Ns-users mailing list submissions to

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or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Ns-users digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. help bug in fulltcp with AODV and DSDV !!!!!! (hamdi benmessaoud)
   2. Re: Xgraph under ns-allinone-2.29/cygwin/winXP (Bruno)
   3. Number of connections (Sasan Sahraei)
   4. using MAC/Simple in wireless ad-hoc simulation (kaibai)
   5. [bug] configure script for otcl (Ethan Giordano)
   6. wireless examples with access point models? (George P Nychis)
   7. Problem in sending Packets in Wireless Adhoc networks (A Anupama)
   8. Re: Problem during Scheduling a packet to send.... URGENT...
      Pls Help... (A Anupama)
   9. Re: wireless examples with access point models? (Martina Umlauft)
  10. Re: wireless examples with access point models? (Martina Umlauft)
  11. IP Traffic (Matthew Jakeman)
  12. Energy Model Help (Janet Adams)
  13. Re: Problem during Scheduling a packet to send.... URGENT...
      Pls Help... (Michele Battelli)
  14. multicast DM mode with Link state dynamic routing (mei)
  15. "cwmin_" or "CWMin_" in 802.11 MAC? (ozgur ekici)
  16. MAC/Simple has bug?! (kaibai)
  17. Help required regarding HCCA & EDCA (Ritwik Mitra)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 21:13:02 +0100 (CET)
From: hamdi benmessaoud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] help bug in fulltcp with AODV and DSDV !!!!!!
To: ns_users <ns-users@ISI.EDU>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 hi All,
  I simulate a network with FullTcp agent ; it works well with the protocol DSR 
;but it don't work with AODV and DSR
  one ne-users tells me that the problem were the size of the the paquet header 
,I mean that with AODV and DSDV the size of the paquet becomes 40 and fulltcp 
can't accept this .
  So it tells me to add IP header to the headersize/les function
  but I don't know how can I do this
  please if some one has the the solution to my problem can help !!!!!!!
  Thank you in advance

 Nouveau : t?l?phonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger ! D?couvez les tarifs 
exceptionnels pour appeler la France et l'international.T?l?chargez la version 


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 00:01:44 +0100
From: "Bruno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ns] Xgraph under ns-allinone-2.29/cygwin/winXP
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <ns-users@ISI.EDU>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

I'm using NS 2-28 and I found xgraph.exe in the folder "xgraph-12.1" of ns
sources and also a symbolic link to this file in the bin folder as I use
install.sh to compile ns in cygwin.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: mercredi 22 f?vrier 2006 17:05
To: Cenker Demir
Cc: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Subject: Re: [ns] Xgraph under ns-allinone-2.29/cygwin/winXP

Sorry for your your valued time...
Actually I don't know from where I could pring this xgraph.exe file.

I looked for it in my c drive but I did not find it,
I found the follwoing files:

but there is no xgraph.exe

thank you very much for your help

Quoting Cenker Demir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello,
> copy your xgraph exe under your /bin/ directory. Then, make sure that
> you have the right permission settings for that tr file.
> regards
> Cenker
>> Dear All,
>> First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Cenker for his quick reply.
>> The problem details as the following:(running ns and xgrapg commands)
>> $ xgraph simple.tr
>> bash: xgraph: command not found
>> $ ns ns-simple.tcl
>> CBR packet size = 1000
>> CBR interval = 0.0080000000000000002
>> $ xgraph simple.tr
>> bash: xgraph: command not found
>> $ $xgraph simple.tr
>> bash: ./simple.tr: Permission denied
>> Both ns and nam are working well, except the xgraph.
>> I don't know how to fix it and see the xgraph command.
>> Thank you in advance
>> Kind Regards
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 00:19:33 -0000 (GMT)
From: "Sasan Sahraei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] Number of connections
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1


To generate a traffic pattern file I need to pass in the max number of

How can I determine the optimum number of connections? should I consider a
scenario that there is a connection between every pair of nodes in the
simulation? I mean should it be the max possible connections? This could
be a variable rate, but I want to know how to I determine this max to have
a proper simulated traffic pattern.

This is the -mc parameter that I should pass to cbrgen.tcl



Message: 4
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 17:52:21 -0700
From: kaibai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] using MAC/Simple in wireless ad-hoc simulation
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Dear all,

In ns-2.29, there is a MAC protocol called MAC/Simple. My Question is if we
can use this protocol in wireless ad-hoc simulation. I tried it in an ad-hoc
scenario with 50 nodes, CBR traffic, combined with different routing
protocol (DSDV, AODV, DSR). The trace file showed no data packet can be
delivered successfully.  Actually, even the route can not be setup. I guess
it is because MAC/Simple can not avoid collision. Am I right?  If it is so,
then MAC/802_11 is the only available MAC protocol in current ns2? Anyone
has experience with MAC/Simple, please help! Thanks.

Kai Bai


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 18:27:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Ethan Giordano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] [bug] configure script for otcl
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU

[Bug Report]

Category:  Installation Failure
Package:   otcl ns-allinone-2.29
OS:        FreeBSD 5.4
Environment Variables:


Description of Problem:

How Easily Reproducible:
(e.g. every time, intermittent, once only, etc.)

every time

Steps to Reproduce:
(describe the minimal set of steps necessary to trigger the bug)
1. ./install

Actual Results:
(describe what the application did after performing the above steps)

After checking for BSD compatible "install" prgram, the script dies at line 
6017 on an unexpected token `(

Expected Results:
(describe what the application should have done, were the bug not present)

Finished compiling

Additional Information:
(the following infomation is helpful to debug:
 1. simulation script, detailed output files, packet trace
 2. patch file if you modify some source code
 3. a backtrace from gdb if you get a segment fault
 If they are big files, PLEASE put them in your web space and
 include the URL here.)


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 22:23:05 -0500 (EST)
From: "George P Nychis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] wireless examples with access point models?
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1


I am looking through the examples for NS-2 and it seems like all wireless 
models are ad-hoc related.

I am looking to create a model that includes an access point to create an 
infrastructure scenario. 

For example, a scenario with 3 nodes, n0, n1, n2 and n1 and n2 are connected 
via a wired link, then n0 and n1 are connected via a wireless link.

Where can I find more info on creating a scenario like this?



Message: 7
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 09:53:44 +0530
From: "A Anupama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] Problem in sending Packets in Wireless Adhoc networks
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 I am implementing a wireless adhoc routing protocol which is an extension
to AODV.  In my protocol to send a control packet I am using the Schedular
class's schedule function.

Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_, p, 0.);

but the problem is, the packets sent are not receiving properly.  Some
packets send by some nodes are missing. The packets are not received by
their targets.

 Why it is happening like this and how can I make sure that all the packets
scheduled are actually received...

( All the receivers are with in the transmission range and also I am not
including any movement for the nodes... I am facing this pronblem  when I am
broadcsting the request packets... Some of the neighbors are receiving and
some are not eventhough they are in the wireless transmission range of the
transmitter. I faced the problem in unicasting also, when I send some
control packet to its neighbor.)

I am in urgent need of this... please help...
Thanks in advance



Message: 8
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 14:10:46 +0530
From: "A Anupama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ns] Problem during Scheduling a packet to send....
        URGENT...       Pls Help...
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Michele
       Thanks for ur reply. I saw the trace file and the packets which I
found missing are actually dropped due to Collission and I found that by
seeing the Trace file whith Mac trace enabled in the Tcl file.
      How can we avoid these Collissions ?

Thanks in advance


On 2/23/06, Michele Battelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Probably you have some collisions going on, especially if your network is
> pretty dense. Try to enable the MAC and Agent tracing from the tcl script
> and check in the trace file if you see some collisions (usually denoted by a
> -d or D).
> Regards,
> M
> PS: please, post your question on the official group, or if you have
> question about ns-2 on the official ns2 mailing list. Thank you.
> A Anupama wrote:
> Hi all
>  I am devoloping a protocol which is an extension to AODV.  In that to
> send the packet p  (Unicast as well as multicast) I am using
> Scheduler::instance().schedule (target_, p, 0.);
> I am using ih->daddr() = index;  ( index of the receiver) and for
> broadcast ih->daddr()=IP_BROADCAST
> I am not receiving any error... but at the time of simulation some control
> packets are not received by its neighbors( in broadcastion) or by the
> individual receiver (in unicasting).  Why this is happening to certain
> packets ? The same kind of packets sent by other nodes are received
> properly...
> I am in an urgent requirement of this...  Please help....
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> Anupama
> On 12/22/05, A Anupama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Great........  It Worked....
> > Thanks a lot...
> >
> >
> >
> >  On 12/20/05, Michele Battelli < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Anupama,
> > > to access the coordinates of a node you need to first have a pointer
> > > to the node as:
> > >
> > > MobileNode * node_; // remember to include mobilenode.h
> > >
> > > then simply:
> > >
> > > my_x = node_ -> X();
> > > my_y = node_ -> Y();
> > >
> > > will return you the coordinates.
> > > To know if two nodes are in transmission range you can build your own
> > > function to calculate the Euclidean Distance between two nodes, since
> > > coordiantes and radio range are both in meters in the simulator. Or
> > > you
> > > can use the function
> > > within god.cc called IsNeighbor, simply creating an instance of god
> > > and
> > > passing the IDs of the two nodes.
> > >
> > > God::instance()->IsNeighbor(node1, node2);
> > >
> > > Regars,
> > > Michele
> > >
> > > A Anupama wrote:
> > > > Hi all,
> > > >
> > > > I am implementing some security extensions to AODV protocol.  I am
> > > having
> > > > some doubts....
> > > > 1)   How can I know the location information ((x,y,z) co-ordinate
> > > form)  of
> > > > a mobile wireless node at protocol design time as i required to use
> > > the
> > > > location information while sending a packet ?
> > > > 2)   How the co-ordinate system in ns/nam ((x,y,z) co-ordinate
> > > system) is
> > > > mapped with actual location ? As the transmission range is described
> > > in
> > > > meters , how can we know depending on the location (x,y,z)
> > > information
> > > > whether two nodes are in transmission range or not ?
> > > >
> > > > Thanks in advance...
> > > >
> > > > Regards
> > > > Anupama
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >


Message: 9
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:25:22 +0100
From: Martina Umlauft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ns] wireless examples with access point models?
To: George P Nychis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


search for "wired-com-wireless" - that's the name it is commonly called
in the ns literature. Eg. take a look at the respective chapter in the
marc greis tutorial. You might also want to take a look at the NOAH
routing module.



George P Nychis schrieb:
> Hi,
> I am looking through the examples for NS-2 and it seems like all wireless 
> models are ad-hoc related.
> I am looking to create a model that includes an access point to create an 
> infrastructure scenario. 
> For example, a scenario with 3 nodes, n0, n1, n2 and n1 and n2 are connected 
> via a wired link, then n0 and n1 are connected via a wireless link.
> Where can I find more info on creating a scenario like this?
> Thanks!
> George


Message: 10
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 13:13:51 +0100
From: Martina Umlauft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ns] wireless examples with access point models?
To: Martina Umlauft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Sorry, was meant to be "wired-cum-wireless" of course.

Martina Umlauft schrieb:
> Hi,
> search for "wired-com-wireless" - that's the name it is commonly called
> in the ns literature. Eg. take a look at the respective chapter in the
> marc greis tutorial. You might also want to take a look at the NOAH
> routing module.
> HTH,
> Martina
> George P Nychis schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> I am looking through the examples for NS-2 and it seems like all wireless 
>> models are ad-hoc related.
>> I am looking to create a model that includes an access point to create an 
>> infrastructure scenario. 
>> For example, a scenario with 3 nodes, n0, n1, n2 and n1 and n2 are connected 
>> via a wired link, then n0 and n1 are connected via a wireless link.
>> Where can I find more info on creating a scenario like this?
>> Thanks!
>> George


Message: 11
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 13:20:15 +0000
From: Matthew Jakeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] IP Traffic
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi, I am new to using the ns2 simulator and have a question that I haven't
been able to find the answer for via google and the manual etc, hopefully
this isn't clueles 'newbieness'.

I have created a simple network with a few nodes and a TCP agent and sink,
this all works as expected. My problem is that for the purpose of my
simulations I just want to send raw IP datagrams with no transport protocol
being used. Is it possible to create a raw IP agent (obviously this is not in
the list of agents) or if not is there another way to accomplish this?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Matthew Jakeman


Message: 12
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 15:39:15 +0000
From: Janet Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] Energy Model Help
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

 > Hi,
 > I was wondering if anyone can help me. I am trying to get the energy
model in NS2 working. It seems to be going into INROUTE state instead of
powersave when the idle time elapses. Then towards the end of the
simulation, it starts going to sleep.
 > Thanks
 > Jan


Message: 13
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:01:02 -0500
From: Michele Battelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ns] Problem during Scheduling a packet to send....
        URGENT... Pls Help...
Cc: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Anupama,
 you can try to introduce jitters to REDUCE collisions. For example, in
your "send" function use:

Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_, p, (NOW + myJitter));

where p is your packet and myJitter is for example a random and
uniformly distributed:

myJitter = Random::uniform(0,maxJitter);


A Anupama wrote:
> Hi Michele
>        Thanks for ur reply. I saw the trace file and the packets which I
> found missing are actually dropped due to Collission and I found that by
> seeing the Trace file whith Mac trace enabled in the Tcl file.
>       How can we avoid these Collissions ?
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> Anupama
> On 2/23/06, Michele Battelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Probably you have some collisions going on, especially if your network is
>> pretty dense. Try to enable the MAC and Agent tracing from the tcl script
>> and check in the trace file if you see some collisions (usually denoted by a
>> -d or D).
>> Regards,
>> M
>> PS: please, post your question on the official group, or if you have
>> question about ns-2 on the official ns2 mailing list. Thank you.
>> A Anupama wrote:
>> Hi all
>>  I am devoloping a protocol which is an extension to AODV.  In that to
>> send the packet p  (Unicast as well as multicast) I am using
>> Scheduler::instance().schedule (target_, p, 0.);
>> I am using ih->daddr() = index;  ( index of the receiver) and for
>> broadcast ih->daddr()=IP_BROADCAST
>> I am not receiving any error... but at the time of simulation some control
>> packets are not received by its neighbors( in broadcastion) or by the
>> individual receiver (in unicasting).  Why this is happening to certain
>> packets ? The same kind of packets sent by other nodes are received
>> properly...
>> I am in an urgent requirement of this...  Please help....
>> Thanks in advance
>> Regards
>> Anupama
>> On 12/22/05, A Anupama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Great........  It Worked....
>>> Thanks a lot...
>>>  On 12/20/05, Michele Battelli < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hi Anupama,
>>>> to access the coordinates of a node you need to first have a pointer
>>>> to the node as:
>>>> MobileNode * node_; // remember to include mobilenode.h
>>>> then simply:
>>>> my_x = node_ -> X();
>>>> my_y = node_ -> Y();
>>>> will return you the coordinates.
>>>> To know if two nodes are in transmission range you can build your own
>>>> function to calculate the Euclidean Distance between two nodes, since
>>>> coordiantes and radio range are both in meters in the simulator. Or
>>>> you
>>>> can use the function
>>>> within god.cc called IsNeighbor, simply creating an instance of god
>>>> and
>>>> passing the IDs of the two nodes.
>>>> God::instance()->IsNeighbor(node1, node2);
>>>> Regars,
>>>> Michele
>>>> A Anupama wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I am implementing some security extensions to AODV protocol.  I am
>>>> having
>>>>> some doubts....
>>>>> 1)   How can I know the location information ((x,y,z) co-ordinate
>>>> form)  of
>>>>> a mobile wireless node at protocol design time as i required to use
>>>> the
>>>>> location information while sending a packet ?
>>>>> 2)   How the co-ordinate system in ns/nam ((x,y,z) co-ordinate
>>>> system) is
>>>>> mapped with actual location ? As the transmission range is described
>>>> in
>>>>> meters , how can we know depending on the location (x,y,z)
>>>> information
>>>>> whether two nodes are in transmission range or not ?
>>>>> Thanks in advance...
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Anupama


Message: 14
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 12:15:47 -0500
Subject: [ns] multicast DM mode with Link state dynamic routing
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

>I want to run multicast with DM mode using link state routing for
>dynamic routing, but I got  an error, the error message is attached
>below. Anybody know what is the reason?
>By the way, I tried mutilcast with DM mode using DV routing for dynamic
>routing, it works fine. I also tried unicast routing using link state
>routing for dynamic routing (bring links up and down), it works fine too.
>Hope somebody can help me out! Thanks in advance,
>ns: _o50 new-group 4 -2147483648 12 cache-miss: can't read "Node_(-1)":
>no such element in array
>    while executing
>"return $Node_($id)"
>    (procedure "_o3" line 3)
>    (Simulator get-node-by-id line 3)
>    invoked from within
>"$ns_ get-node-by-id [[$ns_ get-routelogic] lookup $id_ $srcID]"
>    (procedure "_o45" line 6)
>    (Node rpf-nbr line 6)
>    invoked from within
>"$node_ rpf-nbr $srcID"
>    (procedure "_o251" line 5)
>    (DM handle-cache-miss-pimdm line 5)
>    invoked from within
>"$self handle-cache-miss-$CacheMissMode $srcID $group $iface"
>    (procedure "_o251" line 4)
>    (DM handle-cache-miss line 4)
>    invoked from within
>"_o251 handle-cache-miss 4 -2147483648 12"
>    ("eval" body line 1)
>    invoked from within
>"eval $self handle-$code $args"
>    (procedure "_o251" line 2)
>    (McastProtocol upcall line 2)
>    invoked from within
>"$protocols_($iface) upcall $code $source $group $iface"
>    (procedure "_o51" line 11)
>    (mrtObject upcall line 11)
>    invoked from within
>"$mrtObject_ upcall $code $src $group $iface"
>    (procedure "_o45" line 3)
>    (Node new-group line 3)
>    invoked from within
>"$node_ new-group $src $group $iface $code"
>    (procedure "_o50" line 3)
>    (Classifier/Multicast new-group line 3)
>    invoked from within
>"_o50 new-group 4 -2147483648 12 cache-miss"


Message: 15
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 13:13:30 -0500
From: "ozgur ekici" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] "cwmin_" or "CWMin_" in 802.11 MAC?
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi all,
While going through ".tcl" and ".cc" codes to understand how NS2
802.11 module works, I realized that there are two contention window
sizes defined in tcl files:

"ns-default.tcl" file defines "CWMin_" variable as 31 and
"mac-802_11.cc" file uses this value. However, "ns-mac.tcl" defines
"cwmin_ " as 16 and "mac-csma.cc" file uses that value. I am a little
bit confused here, shouldn't there be just one value in 802.11 MAC for
"minimum contention window size" or am I missing something?
Any information is appreciated...



Message: 16
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:08:11 -0700
From: kaibai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] MAC/Simple has bug?!
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Dear all,

Does anyone have successful experience in using MAC/Simple for wireless ad
hoc simulation? I wrote the following script to run simulation. When I set
the MAC type as MAC/802_11, the simulation ran just fine. But when I set the
MAC type as MAC/Simple, segmentation fault was reported. And if I change the
number of source nodes to one, the simulation can also success even using
MAC/Simple. Does anyone try MAC/Simple before? Can anyone tell me if there
is something wrong with my script or there is bug in NS2?  I am using
NS2.29. Thank you in advance!!

Kai Bai

set val(chan)           Channel/WirelessChannel    ;#Channel Type

set val(prop)           Propagation/TwoRayGround   ;# radio-propagation

set val(netif)          Phy/WirelessPhy            ;# network interface type

set val(mac)            Mac/Simple                 ;# MAC type

set val(ifq)            Queue/DropTail/PriQueue    ;# interface queue type

set val(ll)             LL                         ;# link layer type

set val(ant)            Antenna/OmniAntenna        ;# antenna model

set val(ifqlen)         50                         ;# max packet in ifq

set val(nn)             51                          ;# number of mobilenodes

set val(rp)             DSR                       ;# routing protocol

set val(x)            400

set val(y)            420

puts "This is a sensor network simulation by kai."

# Initialize Global Variables

set ns_              [new Simulator]

set tracefd     [open relib.tr w]

$ns_ use-newtrace

$ns_ trace-all $tracefd

set namtrace [open relib.nam w]

$ns_ namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace $val(x) $val(y)

# set up topography object

set topo       [new Topography]

$topo load_flatgrid $val(x) $val(y)

# Create God

create-god $val(nn)

# New API to config node:

# 1. Create channel (or multiple-channels);

# 2. Specify channel in node-config (instead of channelType);

# 3. Create nodes for simulations.

# Create channel #1 and #2

set chan_1_ [new $val(chan)]

set chan_2_ [new $val(chan)]

# Create node(0) "attached" to channel #1

# configure node, please note the change below.

$ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $val(rp) \

                   -llType $val(ll) \

                   -macType $val(mac) \

                   -ifqType $val(ifq) \

                   -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \

                   -antType $val(ant) \

                   -propType $val(prop) \

                   -phyType $val(netif) \

                   -topoInstance $topo \

                   -agentTrace OFF \

                   -routerTrace OFF \

                   -macTrace ON \

                   -movementTrace OFF \

                   -channel $chan_1_

set cols [expr floor(sqrt($val(nn)-1))]

set rows [expr ceil(($val(nn)-1)/$cols)]

set colinterval [expr floor($val(x)/($cols-1)) - 1]

set rowinterval [expr floor(($val(y)-20)/($rows-1)) - 1]

# 8.5872e-4,For 40m transmission range.

# 7.214e-3 for 100m transmission range

Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 7.214e-3

for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {

     set node_($i) [$ns_ node]  

     $node_($i) random-motion 0


for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {

         $ns_ initial_node_pos $node_($i) 20



# Provide initial (X,Y, for now Z=0) co-ordinates for mobilenodes


#calculate node position

set colnum 1

set rownum 1

set cols [expr int($cols)]

set rows [expr int($rows)]

for {set i 0} {$i < [expr $val(nn)-1]} {incr i} {

  if {$colnum > $cols} {

    set colnum 1

    set rownum [expr $rownum+1]


  if {$colnum == 1} {

    set xpos($i) 1

  } else {

    set xpos($i) [expr $xpos([expr $i - 1]) + $colinterval]


  if {$rownum == 1} {

    set ypos($i) 1

  } else {

    set ypos($i) [expr $ypos([expr $i - $cols]) + $rowinterval]



  set colnum [expr $colnum+1]


for {set i 0} {$i < [expr $val(nn)-1]} {incr i} {

  $node_($i) set X_ $xpos($i)

  $node_($i) set Y_ $ypos($i)


#setup the sink position

$node_([expr $val(nn)-1]) set X_ [expr $val(x)/2]

$node_([expr $val(nn)-1]) set Y_ [expr $val(y)-10]

$node_([expr $val(nn)-1]) set Z_ 0.0

$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_([expr $val(nn)-1]) setdest [expr $val(x)/2] [expr
$val(y)-10] 15.0"

# assume stationary networks

for {set i 0} {$i < [expr $val(nn)-1]} {incr i} {

  $ns_ at 0.01 "$node_($i) setdest $xpos($i) $ypos($i) 15.0"


# Setup traffic flow between nodes

# TCP connections between node_(0) and node_(1)

set sink_0 [new Agent/Null]

$ns_ attach-agent $node_([expr $val(nn)-1]) $sink_0

for {set i 0} {$i < [expr $val(nn)-1]} {incr i} {

  set src0_($i) [new Agent/UDP]

  $ns_ attach-agent $node_($i) $src0_($i)

  $ns_ connect $src0_($i) $sink_0


set cbr_0 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr_0 set packetSize_ 30

$cbr_0 set interval_ 1.0

$cbr_0 attach-agent $src0_(2)

set cbr_2 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr_2 set packetSize_ 30

$cbr_2 set interval_ 1.0

$cbr_2 attach-agent $src0_(4)

$ns_ at 0.5 "$cbr_0 start"

$ns_ at 2.5 "$cbr_2 start"


# Tell nodes when the simulation ends


for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {

    $ns_ at 100.0 "$node_($i) reset";


$ns_ at 100.0 "stop"

$ns_ at 100.01 "puts \"NS EXITING...\" ; $ns_ halt"

proc stop {} {

    global ns_ tracefd

    $ns_ flush-trace

    close $tracefd


puts "Starting Simulation..."

$ns_ run


Message: 17
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 10:23:35 -0800 (PST)
From: Ritwik Mitra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] Help required regarding HCCA & EDCA
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Hi There,
I am a student of Delhi University, currently working on a project based on 
HCCA / EDCA (80211 E). I downloaded the latest NS snapshot ( 20050907-14.2). 
However, I am not being able to figure out where to start from for building a 
TCL script for simulating HCCA/EDCA mechanisms.
If anybody can provides me with the documentation for this snapshot
version or a sample script to simulate HCCA or EDCA, it would be a great
Looking forward to a reply soon!
Thanks in advance

          Ritwik Mitra
M.Sc. Computer Science
Department of Computer Science,
Delhi University


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