Dear ns-users,
I would like to thank Mr. Svilen Ivanov  for his help.

I inserted Mr. Svilen's code in my code as it is, and I monitored the output but
I got nothing or changes.

I used the following command to specify the Error model for mobile node.

$ns_ node-config ErrProc -Incoming ErrProc "Uniform"
by the way, there is no errors of running the file after these changes.
thank you in advance for clarification.

Kind Regards

the attached example script is for network emulation, but you should be
able to use the error modeling for a simulation as well.

The lines 55 - 62 create an object in each node for error modeling. It
drops 1 percent of the packets.

proc UniformErr {} {
    set err [new ErrorModel]
    $err unit packet
    $err set rate_ 0.01
    $err ranvar [new RandomVariable/Uniform]
    $err drop-target [new Agent/Null]
    return $err

Line 89

-IncomingErrProc UniformErr

is also important. It is more realistic to use IncommingErrProc, because
in this case each node determines whether it receives a packet or not on
its own. Therefore a subset of all nodes around receive a packet. In the
case of OutgoingErrProc all the nodes around either receive a packet or not.


qadous at wrote:

>Dear ns users,
>Would you please send me examples for Error modeling in ns-22.9.
>how to model that with wireless nodes.
>The ns tutorial is not good enough.
>thank you in advance.

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