For sensing a object their is nothing in normal ns 2 package but their is an
extension  for it

For making base station node you might find  the tutorial on manet routing
in ns 2 helpful...just google it...


Ankit MEhta

On 4/9/06, Hadi JamaliRad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to simulate a sensor network for example with
> 100 sensors and an object passing between them,
> sensors should sense the object and track it and tell
> the base station, but i couldnt find anything useful
> about such simulations !!! please help me with this
> questions :
> how to make the base station node ???
> should i use another program for processing
> information sent to base station or it can be done in
> NS ??
> if you have worked on it please help me !!!
> Regards.
> Hadi
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Ankit Mehta
Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute Of Technology,Madras

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