Hello Mowly,

You might want to try the Pcap/BPF Network Object to read a packet trace 
from a file in tcpdump format.


Best regards,


>I am just putting this question out there to see if it is possible to
>implement.  Right now I only have access to one laptop.  I am running
>ns-2.27 with pclinuxos.  So far I was able to 'make nse' and did not
>return any error messages however I still can't run the pingdemo.tcl.
>But the question is this:
>I want the emulator to be able to read a tracefile (a large one
>perhaps that of a half an hour show) in real time and at the same time
>output the packets perhaps to a reciever tracefile that is constantly
>updated as packets arrive.  Next the tracefile is read by a real time
>player such as VLC (I think it has real time capabilities) and outputs
>the video  So I can readily view the real-time video as it is being
>emulated.  I have to all this in one machine or the laptop.
>Is it possible or has anyone done anything like this before that can
>offer me some direction?  Thank you.

| M.Sc. Svilen Ivanov                      |
| Institute for Distributed Systems (IVS)  |
| Otto-von-Guericke University - Magdeburg |
| http://ivs.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~svilen/  |

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