Hi maline nadine,
I have had same problem too. I solved it this way. For
every iteration, I seeded the defaultRNG with the
random number generated in previous iteration. I hope
this will help. Here is the implementation.
#for generating random integer b/n min and max
  set nextseed 0.0
  proc randomNumber { min max } {
       global nextseed
       global defaultRNG
       $defaultRNG seed $nextseed
       set nRNG [new RNG]
       $nRNG next-substream
       set num_ [new RandomVariable/Uniform]
       $num_ set min_ $min
       $num_ set max_ $max
       $num_ use-rng $nRNG
       set nextseed [expr round([$num_ value])]
       return $nextseed 
malin nadine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello every one

I have used these commands to change the seed in

set val(seed) 0.0

but when I run the same simulation many times, I got
the same 

is there any help

Thanks in advence



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