On 7/7/06, piyush sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> pwd
>  /home/piyush/ns-allinone-2.28/gt-itm/src
> [snip]
> make
> [snip]
> gcc  -I../include -L../lib  -o ../bin/itm itm.o geog.o ts.o dfs.o -lm 
> -lgb-linux

The binary was written to ../bin/itm; i.e. its complete path is

> [snip]
> gcc  -I../include -L../lib  -o ../bin/edriver edriver.o eval.o -lm -lgb-linux
> cd ..
> itm
> bash: itm: command not found

bash only looks at the contents of your PATH environment variable to
find commands. Try 'echo $PATH' to see where it's searching. Note that
the present directory ('.') is not generally included, to head off
stupid and dangerous mistakes. If the executable were in the current
working directory, you would run it as './itm'. However, since it's in
the 'bin' subdir, run it as './bin/itm'

Phil Miller

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