On 7/14/06, sorin pasa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>      I'm trying to create "n" FTP connections from n computers to  n 
> computers (in pairs), connected through a node. I want to start a connection 
> at second 0, and then close it after a second and in the same time open 
> another. I don't know why, but the connections won't start.
>       Please help. ....I'm attaching the code here:
>     for {set i 1} {$i <= $clienti_num} {incr i} {
>       set tcp [new Agent/TCP]
>       set sink [new Agent/TCPSink]
>       $ns attach-agent $sfile($i) $tcp
>       $ns attach-agent $peer($i) $sink
>       $ns connect $tcp $sink
>       $tcp set fid_ $i
>       $tcp set window_ 20
>       $tcp set packetSize_ 100
>         set ftp($i) [new Application/FTP]
>       $ftp($i) attach-agent $tcp
>       $ftp($i) set type_ FTP
>      }
>    for {set i 1} {$i <= $clienti_num} {incr i} {
>         $ns at $i-1 "$ftp start"
>       $ns at $i "$ftp($i) stop"
>       }

Tcl doesn't do arithmetic evaluation by default. To get what you mean
(i.e. a transfer starting 1 second before $i), you need to write
"[expr {$i -1}]" in place of "$i-1". If you declare "global ftp" at
the top of your first for loop, that may help on the possible scoping
issue (I'm not sure how Tcl determines variable scope).

Phil Miller

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