Hi all I want to add a trace analysis foe the following tcl code... i wnat to tract TCP packets from node 0 and know how much delay its consuming to send the packet... can any one help me in that #Create a simulator object set ns [new Simulator] set tf [open tcp1.tr w] $ns trace-all $tf set nf [open tcp1.nam w] #$ns namtrace-all $nf $ns namtrace-all-wireless $nf 7 7 Simulator set MacTrace_ ON Simulator set RouterTrace_ ON $ns node-config -macType Mac/BNEP set node(0) [$ns node 0] set node(1) [$ns node 1] $node(0) set-statist 10 30 1 $node(1) set-statist 10 30 1 $node(0) rt AODV $node(1) rt AODV $node(0) LossMod BlueHoc $node(0) trace-all-NULL on $node(0) trace-all-POLL on # $node(0) trace-all-in-air on # [$node(1) set bb_] set T_w_inquiry_scan_ 4096 # [$node(1) set bb_] set T_inquiry_scan_ 4096 $ns at 0.0002 "$node(0) on" $ns at 0.0005 "$node(1) on" set tcp0 [ new Agent/TCP] $ns attach-agent $node(0) $tcp0 set ftp0 [new Application/FTP] $ftp0 attach-agent $tcp0 set null0 [ new Agent/TCPSink] $ns attach-agent $node(1) $null0 $ns connect $tcp0 $null0 $tcp0 set packetSize_ 5000 $tcp0 set tcpip_base_hdr_size_ 72 # $ns at 1.0 "$ftp0 start" set nscmd "$ftp0 start" [$node(1) set l2cap_] set ifq_limit_ 30 [$node(0) set l2cap_] set ifq_limit_ 40 set ifq_ [new Queue/DropTail] $ifq_ set limit_ 20 $ns at 0.100 "$node(0) make-bnep-connection $node(1) DH5 DH3 noqos $ifq_ $nscmd" $ns at 30.1 "finish" proc finish {} { global node ns nf tf $node(0) print-all-stat $node(1) print-all-stat $close nf exec nam tcp1.nam & exit 0 } $ns run thanx in advance
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