I have to realize a simple simulation using ns2. The topography of the 
network is presented on the picture below . First question is whether it 
is possible with ns2 ?

n1 ---- n2 ----n3

I have to realize a simulation in which:
n1 - client
n2 - router
n3 - node with one aplication
n4 - node with second application

The scenario of simulation is that:
1. n1 send a request for data from n3
2. Router with firewall check if the information can be passed
3 n3 sends back data to  n1
4. n1 send request to n3
5 n3 request data form n4
6 n4 sends back data to n3
7 n3 sends back data to n1

Short description:
It is something like talking between application. I would like to use 
fulltcp agent and write agent which base on fulltcp agent. And then 
create application and protocol which realize this scenario.

Maybe someone realize similar task, i will be gracefull for any advice. 
And most of all i would like to know whether it is possible in ns2 and 
how to start. (I readed documentation about creating new protocols and 
agent but i do not know how overload fulltcp agent)

Best regards
Przemyslaw Krekora 

Zostan Chlopakiem Lata! >>> http://link.interia.pl/f1998

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