hi all ,
i tried to install the ns-umts-extensions by Pablo Martinand Paula Ballester under windows XP according to instructions in "README" file but i got the following error :

../install: line 42 defaultpatch: No such file or directory
No .configure file found in currnt directory
continuing with default options...
checking build system type... invalid configuration 'i686-pc-cygwin':system 'cygwin' not regonized
configure: error: /bin/sh ./config.sub i686-pc-cygwin failed.
make: *** no targets specified and no makefile found. stop.

and when i tried to run example1.tcl i got:

invalid command name "phy/umts"
while executing
"phy/umts se verbose_ 0"
(file "example1.tcl" line 24)

and i have read in http://mailman.isi.edu/pipermail/ns-users/2005-December/053008.html that someone had the same problem but i didn't get how to fix this problem so if u can help i'll be thankfull.

one more question is it better to download the ns under linux and in this case should i install the same packet ns-umts-extensions or there is an other one for linux

thanks in advance

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