Hi evry body,
I'am writing 802.16 mesh extensions for ns-2. My problem is that I can't
find the right way to send a control message (DSCH-MSH message). In fact,
this type of message have a variable length, since they are composed of a
sequence of data structures whose total number varies in function of the
number of neighbors. When i looked to the 802.11 implementation in order to
have some ideas, I found that the control messages have always a constant
length and structure:

    Packet *p = Packet::alloc();
    hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
    struct cts_frame *cf = (struct cts_frame*)p->access(hdr_mac::offset_);

    assert(pktCTRL_ == 0);

    ch->uid() = 0;
    ch->ptype() = PT_MAC;
    ch->size() = phymib_.getCTSlen();

    ch->iface() = -2;
    ch->error() = 0;
    //ch->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
    bzero(cf, MAC_HDR_LEN);

    cf->cf_fc.fc_protocol_version = MAC_ProtocolVersion;
    cf->cf_fc.fc_type    = MAC_Type_Control;
    cf->cf_fc.fc_subtype    = MAC_Subtype_CTS;
     cf->cf_fc.fc_to_ds    = 0;
     cf->cf_fc.fc_from_ds    = 0;
     cf->cf_fc.fc_more_frag    = 0;
     cf->cf_fc.fc_retry    = 0;
     cf->cf_fc.fc_pwr_mgt    = 0;
     cf->cf_fc.fc_more_data    = 0;
     cf->cf_fc.fc_wep    = 0;
     cf->cf_fc.fc_order    = 0;
in 802.111, the developper has just to fill a given structure fields. How
about 80.16 ?
Could someone help me please!
Thanks in advance
 Ramzi Tka

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