
I am simulating an ad-hoc environment under NS 2.29 in a Ubuntu 6.06
(Dapper) LTS.

In my simulation I am using the shadowing propagation model because the
twoRayGround and the free space are far away from the reality.

When I start the simulations I get the following distCST_ =

this is a very huge number, so I think there is an error. The parameters
of the Shadowing model are the following ones:

# ==========================================
# First we set values of shadowing model
# ==========================================
  Propagation/Shadowing set pathlossExp_ 2.0  ;# path loss exponent
  Propagation/Shadowing set std_db_ 6.3       ;# shadowing deviation
  Propagation/Shadowing set dist0_ 1.0        ;# reference distance (m)
  Propagation/Shadowing set seed_ 0           ;# seed for RNG
# ==========================================

The Thresholds of the interface are:

Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_   3.162278e-13      ;# Carrier Sense Power
(Sensivity) -95dbm @1Mbps
Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_   3.162278e-10        ;# Receive Power

I know some people had the same distCST_ but with other versions of NS
(the lower ones) and I also know this bug was fixed in the ns 2.28

So, why I am getting this huge value? Maybe it comes from an incorrect
parameter I am giving to the Shadowing propagation model?

Thanks for your help

Víctor González    

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