Hi all

I want to simulate MPLS with NS-2 simulator.
I downloaded ns-allinone-2.26 on my system redhat9.0.
When I install the ns, system reports this error:
make: *** No rule to make target ‘tools/random.cc’ needed by ‘tools/random.o’
NS make failed
Then I modified the path to run ns directly as bellow:
Export path=$path:/usr/ns-allinone-2.26/ns-2.26/bin:
/usr/ns-allinone-2.26/tcl8.3.2/unix: /usr/ns-allinone-2.26/tk8.3.2/unix
Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/ns-allinone-2.26/otcl-1.0a8:
Export TCL_LIBRARY=$TCL_LIBRARY: /usr/ns-allinone-2.26/tcl8.3.2/library
But ns doesn’t run
Can anyone help me to solve my problems?
Thanks in advance
Zinat Rafieenezhad

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