
I'd guess this is due to a new compiler version in Cygwin, which does
stricter code checking. If working with the the newest ns isn't an
option, I'd suggest to
a) downgrade Cygwin, or at least gcc, to an earlier version, or
b) download the last ns-2.30, and replace the ns directory with the one
from 2.26. This should be possible with a small fix in the install
script (you have to indicate the right version of ns).


Karena Xu wrote:
Hi all,

I have encountered ns2.26 installation problem in cygwin 1.5.21 even though I've followed the instruction as provided in ns2 website.

* Build tcl8.3.2
checking for main in -lieee... no
checking for main in -linet... no
checking for net/errno.h... no
checking for connect... yes
checking for gethostbyname... yes
checking if 64bit support is requested... no
checking if 64bit Sparc VIS support is requested... no
checking system version (for dynamic loading)... ./configure: line 5718: syntax
error near unexpected token `)'
./configure: line 5718: 'OSF*)'

tcl8.3.2 configuration failed! Exiting ...
Tcl is not part of the ns project.  Please see www.Scriptics.com
to see if they have a fix for your platform.

Can someone please help to identify where I've gone wrong.
Previously, i had installed ns2.29.3 and the installation is fine.
But before this 2.26 installation, i did not removed the ns2.29.3
Would greatly appreciate your help!

Thank you and best regards,

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