Hi all, 

we are simulating a wireless scenario with NS2.29 in an Ubuntu 6.06LTS
(i686 arch). Our scenario consists in two mobile nodes moving at high
speeds in a highway scenario. Each node moves towards the other and we
achieve relative speeds up to 300Kmph (186mph) and uses a 802.11b
wireless interface. One of them sends CBR packets at 11Mbps to the

We are using the Ricean Propagation Model Extension (made by Ratish J.
Punnoose) in order to have a more realistic propagation model than
TwoRayground or Shadowing. 

When we analyzed the trace file we haven't any errors (in MAC level).
All the packets sent bye node 0 were received by node 1. We expected to
have some losses in our system, so after seeing this we have installed
an error model (Ralistic Channel Propagation, made by Wu Xiuchao), which
introduces errors due BER. Despite adding that error model we still
haven't lost packets in our tracefile. We also tried to simulate without
the extensions we mentioned previously with the same result. 

We think this is a very strange situation, may be, produced by some
mistake in our NS2 script. You can see it below.

Thanks to all and kind regards,

Víctor González Pacheco

        # ===========================================
        # Arguments passed to the Simulation Script
        # ===========================================
        set HI [lindex $argv 0]
        set SPEED [lindex $argv 1]
        set TRACE_NAME [lindex $argv 2]
        set NAMTRACE_NAME [lindex $argv 3]
        set STOP [lindex $argv 4]
        set SPEED [expr $SPEED/3.6]     ;# Changing speed from Km/h to
        set RATE [lindex $argv 5]
        set SIZE [lindex $argv 6]
        # ============================================
        set ns_ [new Simulator]
        # ======================
        # Import Node  Options
        # ======================
        # Options for NS2 simulations in COM2REACT project.
        # For more information please contact with [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        # ==============================================
        # first set values of shadowing model
        # ==============================================
        Propagation/Shadowing set pathlossExp_ 2.5  ;# path loss
        Propagation/Shadowing set std_db_ 4.0       ;# shadowing
        deviation (dB)
        Propagation/Shadowing set dist0_ 1.0        ;# reference
        distance (m)
        Propagation/Shadowing set seed_ raw           ;# seed for RNG
        # ==============================================
        # ===============================================
        # Define Options
        # ===============================================
        set opt(chan)           Channel/WirelessChannel  ;# channel type
        #set opt(prop)           Propagation/TwoRayGround ;#
        radio-propagation model
        #set opt(prop)           Propagation/Shadowing   ;#
        radio-propagation model
        set opt(prop)           Propagation/Ricean       ;#
        radio-propagation model
        set opt(netif)          Phy/WirelessPhy          ;# network
        interface type
        set opt(mac)            Mac/802_11               ;# MAC type
        set opt(ifq)            Queue/DropTail/PriQueue  ;# interface
        queue type
        set opt(ll)             LL                       ;# link layer
        set opt(ant)            Antenna/OmniAntenna      ;# antenna
        set opt(ifqlen)         100                      ;# max packet
        in ifq
        set opt(nn)             2                        ;# number of
        set opt(adhocRouting)   OLSR                     ;# routing
        set opt(cp)             "traffic_pattern.tcl"    ;# connection
        pattern file
        set opt(sc)             "node_movements.tcl"     ;# node
        movement file.
        set opt(x)              4000.0                   ;# x coordinate
        of topology
        set opt(y)              100.0                    ;# y coordinate
        of topology
        set opt(seed)           0.0                      ;# seed for
        random number gen.
        set opt(stop)           $STOP                    ;# time to stop
        set opt(v0)             $SPEED                   ;# Node v0
        speed in m/s
        set opt(v1)             0.0                      ;# Node v1
        speed in m/s
        # ================================================
        # ================================================
        # Energy options
        # ================================================
        #set opt(engmodel)      EnergyModel
        #set opt(txPower)        1.4                     ;# transmitting
        power in mW 1.4
        #set opt(rxPower)        0.9                     ;# recving
        power in mW
        #set opt(sensePower)   0.00000175              ;# sensing power
        in mW
        #set opt(idlePower)      0.0                     ;# idle power
        in mW
        #set opt(initeng)          75                      ;# Initial
        energy in Joules
        # =================================================
        # ======================
        # Turn off RTS/CTS
        # ======================
        Mac/802_11 set RTSThreshold_ 3000
        # ======================
        # ===================================================
        # Initialize the SharedMedia interface with parameters to make
        # it work like the 5004 MP Atheros 4G miniPCI card
        # ===================================================
        Phy/WirelessPhy set CPThresh_   10.0                         ;#
        Collision Threshold

        Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_   2.0e-14                    ;#
        Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_   1.77827941e-13     ;#-97.5 dBm

        Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_         0.4                           ;#
        0.031622777 Transmition Power (watts)
        Phy/WirelessPhy set freq_       2.472e9         ;# Frequency of
        Phy/WirelessPhy set L_          1                      ;# System
        Loss Factor
        # ===================================================
        # =========================
        # control OLSR behaviour from this script -
        # =========================
        Agent/OLSR set use_mac_         true
        Agent/OLSR set debug_          true
        #Agent/OLSR set willingness     3
        Agent/OLSR set hello_ival_      $HI
        #Agent/OLSR set tc_ival_        5
        # ============================================
        ErrorModel80211 noise1
        -107                                   ;# 1Mbps datarate thermal
        ErrorModel80211 noise2
        -106                                   ;# 2Mbps datarate thermal
        ErrorModel80211 noise55 -105                                 ;#
        5.5Mbps datarate thermal noise
        ErrorModel80211 noise11 -102                                  ;#
        11Mbps datarate thermal noise
        ErrorModel80211 shortpreamble   0                           ;#
        toggle 802.11 short preamble on/off
        ErrorModel80211 LoadBerSnrFile ber_snr_intersil.txt    ;# use
        Intersil BER/SNR empirical curves
        #ErrorModel80211 LoadBerSnrFile ber_snr_choi.txt         ;# use
        theoretical curves from del Prado
                                                                ;# Pavon
        and Choi, "Link Adaptation Strategy
                                                                ;# for
        IEEE 802.11 WLAN via Received Signal
        Strength Measurement"
        Mac/802_11 set CWMin_                 31
        Mac/802_11 set CWMax_             1023
        Mac/802_11 set SlotTime_           0.000020  ;# 20us
        Mac/802_11 set SIFS_                esto  0.000010  ;# 10us
        Mac/802_11 set PreambleLength_        144       ;# 144 bit
        Mac/802_11 set ShortPreambleLength_   72        ;# 72 bit
        Mac/802_11 set PreambleDataRate_      1.0e6     ;# 1Mbps
        Mac/802_11 set PLCPHeaderLength_      48        ;# 48 bits
        Mac/802_11 set PLCPDataRate_          1.0e6     ;# 1Mbps
        Mac/802_11 set ShortPLCPDataRate_     2.0e6     ;# 2Mbps
        Mac/802_11 set RTSThreshold_          3000      ;# bytes
        Mac/802_11 set ShortRetryLimit_       7         ;#
        Mac/802_11 set LongRetryLimit_        4         ;#
        Mac/802_11 set newchipset_            false      ;# use new
        chipset, allowing a more recent
packet to be correctly received in place
of the first sensed packet
        Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 11Mb                  ;# 802.11 data
        transmission rateMac/802_11 set basicRate_
        1Mb                                                              ;# 
802.11 basic transmission rate
        Mac/802_11 set aarf_ true                            ;# 802.11
        Auto Rate Fallback
        # ===================================================
        # ========================
        # only for Ricean propagation
        # ========================
        set prop_inst [$ns_ set propInstance_]
        $prop_inst MaxVelocity                  80.0;
        $prop_inst RiceanK                            6;
        $prop_inst LoadRiceFile  "rice_table.txt";
        # ========================

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