On Sun, 05 Nov 2006 22:56, pooja Vyavahare wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I am a student working on multicasting protocol for MANET. I was just
> browsing the net i found that there a software EvalVid which is used to see
> the performance of any network for video transmission. Even its NS
> integrated form is also available. Has anyone of you worked on that ?? Is
> it useful if I want see the performance of any routing protocol when video
> data is transmitted?? What is the scoop of the tool??

I have been using EvalVid with ns2.  Because EvalVid uses tcpdump files for 
evaluating the video transmission, I wrote a script that processes the ns2 
tracefile and converts the relevant parts into the two tcpdump files needed 
for etmp4.  I also wrote some support for the frame file which is outputted 
by mp4trace.

It's not very hard. There are a few other approaches, which can be found via 
google and the evalvid pages.

>   Thank You in advance,
>   with regards,

Lee Begg

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