Hi NS-users;
  I try to install the patch Mobiwan in NS2.28 on Redhat9.0, I got the 
following step:
  $zcat -f  ns-228-mobiwan-102.diff.gz  |patch  –p1
  Enter ns-allinone-228 direcory and i typed $./install
  But I have failed when I try to execute a TCL script like 
  I got the following error as shown below: 
  can't read "EnableHierRt_": no such variable
      (Object set line 1)
      invoked from within
  "Simulator set EnableHierRt_"
      (procedure "_o10" line 10)
      (Node attach line 10)
      invoked from within
  "$node attach $agent"
      (procedure "_o3" line 2)
      (Simulator attach-agent line 2)
      invoked from within
  "$ns attach-agent $n0 $udp0"
      (file "simple.tcl" line 29)
  and the script simple-mipv6.tcl, i have failed to execute it!!!!!
  I hope the ns-2 users here who had installed mobiwan before can help 
me, I just want to install, please help me,!!
  Thank you very much..
  Best Regards,

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