Dear all, I am working project called "Implementation of ATP(ad hoc transport 
protocol) a non TCP protocol for ad hoc network". As part of this project I am 
analyzing the performance of TCP over ad hoc network to conclude that TCP 
performs poorly over ad hoc network.After showing that TCP in not appropriate 
for Ad hco network  I am proposing the above new protocol. To study 
perforamance of TCP  I am simulating a scenario having a single connection with 
1 flow and 25 flows.If 25 flows are considered then please let me know how to 
trace the congestion window value for the connection. Whether I have to take 
single flow for tracing or all tcp flows is for tracing and average of them.If 
any knows how to do it please let me know.
Also if any one is having ns script to establish single tcp connection with 
multiple flows between same source node and destination node please give to me. 
I won't be making miuse(commercial use) of it .
Thank u well in advance

Satish .S. B
MMEC Belgaum Karanataka

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