Hello, can someone help with TCP problem? I'm trying to run following tcl code: 
  or {set i 1} {$i<=$NetNb1} { incr i } {         for {set j 1} {$j<=$NumFlows} 
{ incr j } {                 set tcpsrc($i,$j) [new Agent/TCP/Newreno]          
                       set tcp_snk($i,$j) [new Agent/TCPSink/DelAck]            
     $tcpsrc($i,$j) set packetsize_ 1000                 $ns attach-agent 
$N1($i) tcpsrc($i,$j)                 $ns attach-agent $Server tcp_snk($i,$j)   
              $ns connect $tcpsrc($i,$j) $tcp_snk($i,$j)                 set 
ftp($i,$j) [$tcpsrc($i,$j) attach-source FTP] } }    ....a so on, but instead 
proper function I get the error output like this:   invalid command name 
"tcpsrc(1,1)"     while executing "$agent set node_ $self"     (procedure 
"_o58" line 4)     (Node attach line 4)     invoked from within "$node attach 
$agent"     (procedure "_o3" line 2)     (Simulator attach-agent line 2)     
invoked from within "$ns attach-agent $N1($i) tcpsrc($i,$j!
 )         "     ("for" body line 8)     invoked from within "for {set i 1} 
{$i<=$NetNb1} { incr i } {         for {set j 1} {$j<=$NumFlows} { incr j } {   
              set tcpsrc($i,$j) [new Agent/TCP/Newreno]                 # 
setting tcpsink w..."     (file "mojepareto.tcl" line 54)   The whole part of 
code is similar to  'NS2 for beginners' (Chapter 4-TCP/IP description and 
simulation), is it possible, that it's wrong? Thank You for help. 

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