Following is the error I am getting when running the attached awk file.

awk: measure-loss.awk:2: 'in expressionss.awk:2: ^ invalid char '

I gave the command awk -f measure-loss.awk
Following is the sample record from my file:
s 1.375051200 _0_ AGT  --- 0 cbr 512 [] ------- [1:0 0:0 32 0]  [0]  0  0
r 2.000054006 _1_ AGT  --- 0 cbr 512 [] ------- [1:0 0:0 32 0]  [0]  0  0
and I am pasting below the measure-loss.awk file:

It is used to calculate pakcet loss:


# Initialization. Set two variables. fsDrops: packets drop. numFs: packets

        fsDrops = 0;

        numFs = 0;
    numFr = 0;



   action = $1;

   time = $2;

   from = $3;

   to = $4;

   type = $5;

   pktsize = $6;

   flow_id = $8;

   src = $9;

   dst = $10;

   seq_no = $11;

   packet_id = $12;

        if (from==0 && to==AGT && action == "s")


        if (from==1 && to==AGT && action == "r")

    fsDrops= numFs-numFr;



        printf("number of packets sent:%d lost:%d\n", numFs, fsDrops);


Can anyone suggest me on what could have been  the mistake? I would
appreciate if someone can help me as it is very urgent.
THanks in advance.

Shaili Desai
Master's Candidate
Telecommunications and Management
University of Maryland,College Park,USA

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