Have you takein into account IP/UDP overhead? Note that Bianchi
usually provides throughput at MAC layer and uses 1024Byte frames to
show his results.

That's all I can say with the details you provided.

2006/12/21, ? ? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
> I am validating the saturation throughput of bianchi's model , however , I
> found my results do not match the model well.  Both model and simulations
> are with DSSS parameters and the packet size is 8000 bits.  Stations are
> identical , locate in 200mx200m square. CBR traffic is adopted and the date
> rate is high enough to assure saturation. The results are as belows.
> nodes      10        20       30        40
> Model     0.76     0.70     0.66     0.64
> Sim        0.77     0.72     0.69     0.68
> The ns-2 version is 2.28.   Simulation time is 600 seconds.
> Could anyone helps me?  Thanks in advance.
> Sincerely,
> joshua
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