hello sir/madam
  i am a research studnt working in NS2.
I wand to extend C++ code in NS2.
Iam following the website..

The steps followed are:

1.Download "ex-linkage.cc" file, and save it under the "ns-2" 
2.Open "Makefile", add "ex-linkage.o" at the end of object file 
3.Re-compile NS using the "make" command.
4.Download the "ex-linkage.tcl" file that contains "MyAgent" 
testing OTcl commands. (see Figure 22 for the input script and the 
5.Run the OTcl script using command "ns ex-linkage.tcl".

But while running "ns ex-linkage.tcl". command,i get the following 
invalid command name "MyAgent/MyAgentOtcl"
  while executing
> >"Agent/MyAgentOtcl create _o3 "
> >    invoked from within
> >"catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
> >    (procedure "new" line 3)
> >    invoked from within
> >"new Agent/MyAgentOtcl"
> >    invoked from within
> >"set myagent [new Agent/MyAgentOtcl]"
> >    (file "ex-linkage.tcl" line 5)

please help
thanks in advance
Manpreet Kaur.

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